Early help in Buckinghamshire

Closed 8 Sep 2024

Opened 15 Jul 2024

Feedback updated 4 Mar 2025

We asked

We asked for your views about how our early help and Family Hub services could be developed, to best support families with help and advice at the earliest point. We asked how you would like to access services and tell us about any gaps you see in our current services. 

The survey ran from 15 July to 8 September 2024. 

You said

We received 55 online responses to the survey: 

  • 27 (49%) either use early help services or have used the services in the past 
  • 43 respondents (78%) told us they would like to access early help services in person, with 32 respondents (58%) wanting to access services online (respondents could select more than one option)  
  • 33 respondents (60%) told us that areas of support we could consider developing in early help services include advice on: 
    • children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)  
    • financial support   
    • mental health 

We also talked with families at a range of events and sessions across the summer holiday period, where we gathered informal feedback and encouraged families to complete the survey.

We did

We used your feedback, together with feedback from our early help partner organisations, to finalise our initial offer for Family Hub Network services. 

The Buckinghamshire Family Hub Network launched on 19 November 2024. Services and support offered by the Family Hub Network. 

We will continue to develop our Family Hub Network services with the support of local partners and organisations in the Network. We will continue to work collaboratively with families through our Family Hub services to ensure we deliver local support that meets families’ needs. 

All the feedback is being used to inform the priorities of the revised Early Help Partnership Strategy 2025 - 2030.  

A public consultation on the revised Early Help Partnership Strategy is scheduled to open in late spring and the agreed Strategy published in autumn 2025. 


We want to hear the views of parents, carers and young people who live in Buckinghamshire about how early help services could be developed.

If you are from an organisation and would like to give us your views on early help services in Buckinghamshire, please email us at earlyhelppartnership@buckinghamshire.gov.uk and we will send you a link to complete the survey intended for organisations.  

What is early help 

Early help is all about providing help to families who, for whatever reason, find that they are struggling. There are a variety of organisations and agencies involved in early help, including Buckinghamshire Council, health, police and schools. All these organisations are responsible for delivering early help. 

Early help partners (or organisations) can offer support at any stage in a child's life from pre-birth to adulthood. They can help with any need a family cannot manage on their own, or when extra support is needed. 

How to have your say  

You can tell us your views in one of the following ways: 

If you have any questions about this activity, please email us at earlyhelppartnership@buckinghamshire.gov.uk.

Please tell us your views by 11:59pm on Sunday 8 September 2024. 

What happens next 

Your feedback will be carefully analysed and used to help us develop early help services. We will continue to regularly collaborate with you on this work as it develops. 


We will use the information you provide here only for this activity. We will store the information securely in line with data protection laws and will not share or publish any personal details. For more information about data and privacy, please see our Privacy Policy

If you have questions about data and privacy, please email us on dataprotection@buckinghamshire.gov.uk. Or write to our Data Protection Officer at Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF. 


  • All Areas


  • Children & young people