SEND and Inclusion Strategy consultation

Closes 1 Dec 2024

Opened 21 Oct 2024


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We want to hear your views about our draft SEND and Inclusion Strategy for 2025 through to 2030.

The SEND Partnership across Buckinghamshire has drafted a revised SEND and Inclusion Strategy for 2025 to 2030.  

Local area or SEND partnership’ is a term used throughout this strategy. This partnership includes children and young people with SEND, their families/carers, and those in education, health and care (including the voluntary and community sector). The partnership is responsible for the strategic planning, commissioning, management, delivery and evaluation of arrangements for children and young people with SEND who live in Buckinghamshire. 

The new draft strategy has been developed with key partners including representatives of parents/carers and young people. It seeks to raise aspirations and close the achievement gap for children and young people with SEND. The new strategy will set out the SEND Partnership’s aims and objectives. It shifts our focus in delivering our offer, without reducing the service. 

As a SEND partnership, we are committed to continually improving the support provided for children with SEND and the outcomes they achieve. This new strategy supports this ambition.

Once finalised, the new strategy will replace the existing SEND and Inclusion Strategy that expired at the end of 2023.  

We are keen to hear views from as many families and young people as possible on the content of the new strategy, as well as from professionals and organisations who support children and young people with SEND.   

How we developed the draft strategy

In the summer of 2023, we applied to receive additional funding from the Department for Education (DfE) through their delivering better value in SEND programme.

To support our application, we gathered information in the following ways:

  • case reviews
  • deep dives
  • surveys
  • listening forums

On being awarded the additional funding, we have developed four key priorities which are detailed in the strategy, and which will inform the strategic delivery plan that guides SEND transformation work across the local area.  

It is this key change that instigated the need for a revised SEND and Inclusion Strategy in Buckinghamshire. 

The draft strategy pulls together findings from information gathering activities, identifying four key priority areas that have been approved by the SEND Partnership Board:  

  • early support
  • education provision
  • high support needs
  • preparation for adulthood.

Each of these four priorities is the focus of a separate area of work activity. These areas of work are detailed in the SEND strategic delivery plan that underpins the strategy. While the priorities are now set, we are keen to hear through this consultation the views of families and our partners in Buckinghamshire about how we plan to deliver against them. 

Related documents and links

Before you respond to this activity, please have a look at the following documents and links:

Events / online events

We are holding a number of events during the consultation period, including: 

  • one in-person parent/carer engagement session taking place on the 14 November at 6pm within a specialist education setting. 

  • one in-person parent/carer engagement session taking place open to all parents/carers of children and young people with SEND in Buckinghamshire on 15 November at The Gateway in Aylesbury 11am-12 noon.

  • four in-person children and young people’s workshops taking place across Buckinghamshire within both mainstream and specialist education settings (dates to be confirmed).

  • three online parent/carer engagement sessions available during both daytime and evening hours:
    • Wednesday 6 November 2-3pm
    • Wednesday 13 November 6.30-7.0pm
    • Thursday 21 November 10-11am
  • three online professional engagement sessions:
    • Thursday 24 October 12-1pm
    • Wednesday 6 November 3.30-4.30pm
    • Thursday 14 November 3.30-4.30pm

If you would like to attend any of our events, please email us at 

How to have your say  

You can tell us your views in one of the following ways:

If you have any questions about this activity, or require this information in another format or language, please email us at or phone us on 07812 788391.

Please tell us your views by 11:59pm on 1 December 2024. 

What happens next

Your views will help us to make sure that our aspirations for SEND and inclusion in the strategy reflect the needs of the children and young people in Buckinghamshire with SEND. We will also use your views to review and, if necessary, modify the way we plan to deliver against our four priorities.

We will then draft a final version of the strategy which will go forward for formal approval by the Council.


We will use the information you provide here only for this activity. We will store the information securely in line with data protection laws and will not share or publish any personal details. For more information about data and privacy, please see our Privacy Policy.

If you have questions about data and privacy, please email us on or write to our Data Protection Officer at Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.

Give us your views


  • All Areas


  • Social care
  • Health
  • Schools & education
  • Children & young people
  • Mental health and wellbeing