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9 results

  • Help shape future plans for unpaid carers in Buckinghamshire

    If you are providing unpaid care for someone in Buckinghamshire, we want to hear from you. We recognise that carers are an essential part of our communities. We want to improve the support that is available for carers by developing an all-age carers strategy. The strategy will explain how the council will improve the quality of life and services for carers. A carer is anyone who looks after a family member, partner or friend who cannot cope without their support.... More
    Opened 22 July 2024
  • Have your say on our draft Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) for Buckinghamshire

    We want your views on our draft Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) for Buckinghamshire. We have a legal responsibility as a council to monitor and report on air quality in our region. In areas where the objectives are not met, Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) are declared to improve air quality. There are currently nine Air Quality Management Areas in Buckinghamshire. Where AQMAs are declared, we have to produce an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP).... More
    Opened 22 July 2024
  • The Farnhams Neighbourhood Plan submission consultation

    We want to hear the views of local residents and organisations on the Neighbourhood Plan for Farnham Royal. In July 2016, the Parish of Farnham Royal was designated a neighbourhood area by the former South Buckinghamshire District Council. This followed an application by Farnham Royal Parish Council. Farnham Royal Parish Council has now completed a period of local community engagement on the Farnhams Neighbourhood Plan and have submitted the final version to us.... More
    Opened 18 July 2024
  • Early help in Buckinghamshire

    We want to hear the views of parents, carers and young people who live in Buckinghamshire about how early help services could be developed. If you are from an organisation and would like to give us your views on early help services in Buckinghamshire, please email us at and we will send you a link to complete the survey intended for organisations. What is early help Early help is all about providing help to families who,... More
    Opened 15 July 2024
  • Have your say on electric vehicle (EV) parking bay proposals for Wendover – Informal consultation

    We want to hear your views on proposals to install kerbside Electric Vehicle (EV) charge points in Wendover, including conversion of adjacent parking spaces to 'EV charging only'. Funded by the UK Government’s Local EV Infrastructure (LEVI) capital fund, Buckinghamshire Council and Wendover Parish Council, the Wendover electric vehicle (EV) charging project is supporting the installation of in-pavement cable channels (IPCCs) and on-street EV charging points. The... More
    Opened 15 July 2024
  • Housing allocations policy consultation

    We are currently reviewing our housing allocations policy and want your feedback on the proposed changes. We are required to have a housing allocations policy to determine the procedures that are followed when assessing the eligibility of applicants and to allocate housing stock. The policy details how applicants, via the Bucks Home Choice scheme , can apply to the housing register, what the eligibility requirements are, how the assessment process works, and how... More
    Opened 11 July 2024
  • Elm Farm, Aylesbury - Parking Restrictions Informal Consultation

    Buckinghamshire Highways are proposing to implement a number of parking restrictions on several roads in the Elm Farm Estate in Aylesbury. These restrictions would be aimed at supporting the bus operators that service the estate. In addition, the restrictions aim to regulate the parking & movement of vehicular traffic outside the school, and enable to improve the turnover of available parking spaces outside of the local amenities. We would like to hear your views on the proposals,... More
    Opened 10 July 2024
  • Help us design a new delivery model for Buckinghamshire Libraries

    We are asking you to help us design our services so that staff are available at the times when you need them most. Buckinghamshire libraries have transformed over recent years and offer a wide range of services and activities. A new vision and strategy for Buckinghamshire Libraries was agreed in 2023. Our vision is to provide welcoming and safe spaces for everyone to access reading, culture and the information and services they need to learn, discover, imagine, and... More
    Opened 10 July 2024
  • Help us shape the future of nature in Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes

    We want to hear which aspects of nature are important to you to help us develop a Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. Why we need to recover nature Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes are home to a wide range of wildlife. For example, we have on our doorstep some of the world’s only chalk streams, ancient woodland and nationally significant populations of species such as native black poplar trees and black... More
    Opened 8 July 2024
9 results. Page 1 of 1