Have your say on how to make parks across Aylesbury Vale safer

Closed 3 Apr 2022

Opened 18 Feb 2022

Feedback updated 3 Aug 2022

We asked

We want residents to feel safe and confident when out and about. Whether they are alone, with family or friends or part of a community or sports group.

We are working with a variety of partners to improve the safety of our green spaces and increase the confidence of park users.

We asked about:

  • Why people used their local park
  • How safe people feel when they are out and about using our green spaces
  • Ideas to make green spaces more inviting and safer

We asked for views from 18 February to 3 April 2022.

You said

We received 100 responses to the survey. The main themes from responses are outlined below.

Most common reasons for using the local park:

  • Recreational walking
  • Family time
  • Travelling through to another destination
  • Dog walking 
  • Sports and games

Reasons for feeling unsafe in the park:

  • Uneven / poorly maintained paths
  • Poor lighting (at night)
  • People drinking / taking drugs
  • Accessing the park (local roads busy / paths uneven or narrow)
  • Youths milling around / on kids play equipment

What would make green spaces feel safer?

  • Increased lighting 
  • Increased police patrols / park wardens and community officers / CCTV
  • Diversionary activities for young people
  • Engagement with community groups
  • Better maintenance of paths, equipment, vegetation
  • Keep clean, better bin management 
  • Improve facilities (café, toilets)
  • Manage the speed of cars around parks and cars loitering around parks
  • Introduce cycle paths between parks

We did

Your feedback has helped shape our multi agency actions to create a safer environment where everyone can enjoy our open green spaces.

Our ongoing actions to improve parks safety include:

  • Youth engagement in their communities
  • Working with Public Health and the Parks team on initiatives to increase usage of the parks
  • Introduction of Heart of Bucks funding for projects to reduce crime / disorder and protect vulnerable people
  • Updated Public Space Protection Order signage
  • Increased patrols by our Street Wardens and Thames Valley Police
  • Personal safety advice given to local youth groups
  • Signposting to local self-defence classes
  • Development of boxing classes
  • Further amnesty bin installation
  • CCTV review 2022 pending
  • Encouraging reporting to Thames Valley Police and the use of the Street Safe tool
  • Vegetation clearance
  • Installation of play and gym equipment

These actions also align with the priorities of the Safer Buckinghamshire Partnership.  

To keep up to date with what we are doing to make green spaces safer, follow us on social media:

You can also find out more about how the parks team are looking after parks and open spaces.


Buckinghamshire Council logo

The Buckinghamshire Council Community Safety Team and Parks Team are seeking views from residents of all ages and backgrounds with a view to exploring ways we can continue to improve the safety of parks across Aylesbury Vale.

In partnership, we have recently been conducting audits across Aylesbury Vale’s parks with a view to further improve both the safety and confidence of users of these areas.  

You can find more information on Buckinghamshire Council managed parks in Aylesbury Vale on the Parks and Play Areas website.

The proposal

The safety of the community is paramount. We are therefore working in collaboration with a number of partner agencies and number of actions are being considered as below:  

  • Improving lighting options
  • Supporting and engaging young people in local community/youth groups
  • CCTV options pending a 2022 CCTV review 
  • Vegetation clearance  
  • Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) signage updates  
  • Street Warden/Police patrols  
  • Community outreach - seeking views, personal safety advice 
  • Encouraging people to use the parks more for positive activities

We want our residents to feel safer and more confident when out and about, whether they are alone, with family or friends, or part of a community or sports group. Your feedback will play an important role in helping us make decisions to create a safer environment where residents of all ages can enjoy our open green spaces.

How to have your say

Please take the time to complete the online survey using the link at the bottom of the page.

Your feedback is valued and needed.

If you have any questions about this activity, please email us at communitysafety.av@buckinghamshire.gov.uk

Please tell us your views by midnight on Sunday 3 April 2022.

What happens next

The survey responses will help shape the multi-agency response and help set priorities, as well as contribute to the Safer Buckinghamshire plan with the aim of reducing crime and anti-social behaviour, safeguarding vulnerable young people and keeping the public safer. 

Further information

Please remember, if you see something suspicious report this to Thames Valley Police on 101 (non-emergency), 999 (emergency). The information you provide, no matter how small, can add up to create a larger picture. You can also report to CrimeStoppers if you would like to remain anonymous - 0800 555 111. 

For further crime prevention information and advice across Buckinghamshire, why not follow us on our social media channels: 

Twitter: @Bucks_Safety 

Facebook: Buckinghamshire Community Safety 

Newsletter: Sign up for Buckinghamshire Council e-news 


We will use the information you provide here only for this survey. We will store the information securely in line with data protection laws and will not share or publish any personal details. For more information about data and privacy, please see our Privacy Policy.

If you have questions about data and privacy, please email us on dataprotection@buckinghamshire.gov.uk. Or write to our Data Protection Officer at Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.


  • Aylesbury
  • Buckingham and Villages
  • Haddenham and Waddesdon
  • Wendover
  • Wing and Ivinghoe
  • Winslow and Villages


  • Communities
  • Crime & community safety
  • Parks and open spaces