A418 Aylesbury Road, Bierton Traffic Calming Scheme consultation
Feedback updated 10 Jan 2024
We asked
We asked for your views on the proposed locations and types of traffic calming measures for the A418 Aylesbury Road, Bierton.
The consultation ran from 30 August 2022 to 26 September 2022.
You said
We received 91 responses to the consultation:
- 59 partly supported the proposals
- 32 objected to the proposals
Objections received are summarised below:
- the proposed priority feature and chicane near Miles Court will affect access in and out of Miles Court and safety for users of the access
- the proposed raised pedestrian crossing point near Plough End would conflict with an existing agricultural access
- the proposed parking arrangement outside of St James the Great Church will not assist the Church and will have an adverse impact on the Great Lane Junction
- the parking will not assist with traffic-calming
- imprint paving will create a noise disturbance with little speed reduction
- these areas should be raised, or given the visual impression of being vertically-raised
- the removal of bus stop lay-bys will be an ineffective traffic calming measure
- the removal of the Aylesbury bound bus stop lay-by near to St James the Great Church will result in the loss of a bus stop timing point
- the southern section of the Eastern Link Road is required before the implementation of traffic calming through Bierton
View the summary report (PDF 3MB) and full responses report (PDF 3MB).
We did
Feedback from the consultation was reviewed by Buckinghamshire Council Highways and the scheme designer, and potential alternative options were identified, where appropriate. These were presented to and discussed with local ward members. We published the key themes from the consultation responses and what we have done (PDF 0.22MB), or are planning to do, as a result. This includes alternative drawings (PDF 7MB) following the feedback.
On 19 December 2023 the Leader of the Council approved the measures for adoption.
We will be introducing traffic calming on the A418 Aylesbury Road, Bierton to make the road a less attractive through-traffic route and encourage through-traffic to use the new roads within the Kingsbrook development.
The scheme is being delivered as part of the obligations set out within the agreed Section 106 agreement relevant to the Kingsbrook development and will be constructed and funded by Barratt David Wilson Homes.
Barratt David Wilson Homes have previously undertaken informal consultation with Bierton Parish Council and Buckinghamshire Council and the plans are as a result of those discussions.
As well as encouraging through-traffic to use the new roads within the Kingsbrook development, the scheme also aims to provide pedestrian, cycle, and bus stop improvements by:
- reducing the width of the road at proposed locations to slow vehicle speeds
- providing people safer places to cross the road
- making it easier and quicker for passengers to board/alight a bus
- providing parking spaces for the church
We want feedback on the proposed locations and types of traffic calming measures from residents, local businesses and those who use the A418 Aylesbury Road, Bierton for travel. We will also contact statutory consultees.
The proposal
The proposed traffic calming scheme along the A418 Aylesbury Road, Bierton includes:
- A chicane at the following locations on Aylesbury Road:
- Near no.33
- At the turning to Miles Court
- A ‘build-out’ outside the following locations:
- No.45 and no.47 Aylesbury Road, including imprint paving
- St James the Great Church, including parking spaces for the church
- No.161 Aylesbury Road
- Widening the carriageway adjacent to the Bierton Allotments
- A crossing point at the following locations on Aylesbury Road:
- Outside no.48 and no.79
- Near the junction at Church Farm Close
- Near the turning to Plough End
- Outside no.211 and no.217
- On-road bus ‘cages’ at existing bus stop locations
- Bus lay-bys to be infilled where a lay-by currently exists
- Imprint paving at the following locations:
- As part of the ‘build out’ outside no.45 and no.47 Aylesbury Road
- Junction of Aylesbury Road and Parsons Lane (existing controlled crossing to remain)
- Junction of Aylesbury Road and Old Forge Gardens
- Junction between Aylesbury Road, Brick Kiln Lane and Burcott Lane
- Cycle lane along the northern side of Aylesbury Road to the north-east of the Coppice Way roundabout to the Red Lion Public House
- New speed camera warning signs at the following locations:
- Near no.33
- Opposite Rowsham Road
- New gateway signs and markings at the following locations:
- Near no.33
- To the south-west of the new Eastern Link Road signalised junction
Related documents and links
Before you respond to this consultation, please have a look at the following document:
We are hosting a public drop-in session for you to find out more about the proposals. The drop-in session will be held on:
- Thursday 8 September 2022, from 10am to 7pm
- At the Jubilee Hall, Aylesbury Road, Bierton, Aylesbury HP22 5DL
There is no need to book to attend this event.
Representatives from Buckinghamshire Council, and Barratt David Wilson Homes and their consultant, will be on hand to answer any questions.
The detailed site plans will also be available for inspection by appointment at Buckinghamshire Council Walton Street Offices, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP20 1UA from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday during the consultation period. To book an appointment, please email highwaysdm.av@buckinghamshire.gov.uk.
We will use the information you provide here only for this activity. We will store the information securely in line with data protection laws and will not share or publish any personal details. For more information about data and privacy, please see our Privacy Policy.
If you have questions about data and privacy, please email us on dataprotection@buckinghamshire.gov.uk. Or write to our Data Protection Officer at Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.
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