Buckinghamshire All-Age Carers Strategy 2025 to 2030
Feedback updated 4 Mar 2025
We asked
We asked for your views on our draft All-Age Carers Strategy. We asked whether you felt we had identified the right priorities to support our unpaid carers, or if there are other priorities we should focus on.
The consultation ran from 4 November to 15 December 2024.
You said
We received 32 online responses to the consultation. Our previous engagement activity to inform the priorities for the strategy draft received 259 responses.
The key findings were:
- 93% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed with priority 1 - to provide a system that best works for carers, by joining up services and identifying carers at the earliest stage
- 81% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed with priority 2 – to ensure carers can find information and advice they need easily, when they need it
- 94% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed with priority 3 – to support our carers’ health and wellbeing, helping them to access support and balance their life outside of their caring role
- 68% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed with priority 4 – to support carers to access employment, to minimise the financial impact of caring
We did
We identified four key themes from your feedback and updated our strategy and delivery action plan to address these.
Key feedback theme: Carers struggle to navigate existing information:
- we have worked alongside carers to redesign the council’s web pages for carers
- we have launched a pilot with ‘Mobilise’, a digital platform providing information and resources
- we will deliver a communications awareness campaign on how carers can access support
Key feedback theme: Carers do not have capacity to consider their own health and wellbeing:
- we will develop a targeted approach to identify and better support older age carers with planning for the future
- we will work with schools to help young people balance their caring responsibilities with education, social interaction and overall wellbeing
- We will work with health to promote NHS health checks for carers
Key feedback theme: Carers are frustrated that they need to relay their circumstances to multiple professionals:
- we will strengthen the process for identifying and providing support to adult carers, with online self-referral options
- we will review the information that is recorded about carers across the system and improve the process of sharing this information across the partnership
- we will work with the commissioned provider to ensure the first contact with carers meets their immediate need with easily accessible information
Key feedback theme: Financial barriers are an added, unnecessary stressor for carers:
- we have revised priority four (support for access to employment) to reflect the circumstances of retired carers
- we will work with the Department for Work and Pensions to ensure information and guidance on benefits and financial support available for carers is accessible
- we will develop a toolkit for carers on steps they could take to further minimise financial hardship
- we will work with businesses to review the existing concessions open to carers across Buckinghamshire and opportunities to enhance this offer
- we will develop carers-inclusive workforce guidance to promote best practice across the business sector in Buckinghamshire
The revised 2025-26 All-Age Carers Strategy and delivery action plan were approved by the Council’s Cabinet at a meeting on 11 February 2025.
View the report to Cabinet.
We will begin activity to deliver the action plan supporting the strategy in April 2025.
View the Buckinghamshire Council news release.
We want to hear your views on our draft strategy to support unpaid carers in Buckinghamshire. Tell us if you think we have identified the right priorities or if there is anything else we should be focusing on.
Unpaid carers play a crucial role in supporting the well-being of those they care for, balancing these responsibilities with their own personal and professional lives. For young carers, this also includes the challenge of maintaining their own education and relationships.
Who is an unpaid carer?
Carers UK define unpaid carers as ‘anyone who cares for someone who is ill, disabled, older, has mental health concerns or is experiencing addiction and is not paid by a company or local authority to provide care and support’.
Unpaid carers in Buckinghamshire
In the 2021 census, 5.7 million people identified themselves as unpaid carers in the UK, with 41,773 living and working within Buckinghamshire. In 2023/24, 14,349 people received support from the Council or one of our partners.
Draft Buckinghamshire All-Age Carers Strategy 2025 to 2030
Our vision is for every unpaid carer in Buckinghamshire to be recognised and valued, being able to access the information, support, and resources they need to live fulfilling lives alongside caring. We are committed to working with carers to improve people's support and lives.
Our All-Age Carers Strategy sets out our priorities to make this vision happen, to:
- provide a system that best works for carers, by joining up services and identifying carers at the earliest stage
- ensure carers can find information and advice they need easily, when they need it
- support our carers’ health and wellbeing, helping them to access support and balance their life outside of their caring role
- support carers to access employment, to minimise the financial impact of caring
These priorities were identified following feedback from carers in Buckinghamshire and support national and local strategies.
Each area of focus will have actions identified to achieve these priorities.
Tell us if you think we have chosen the right priorities and if there’s anything else we should be focusing on.
Who we want to hear from
We want to hear from carers of all ages. If you are under 13 years of age, you will need to have consent from your parent or carer to take part.
We also want to hear from any one whose professional work involves the care, support or education of carers.
How the strategy has been developed
We have developed this draft strategy with carers of all ages and services who support carers and those they care for, in Buckinghamshire through:
- our online survey 'Help shape future plans for unpaid carers in Buckinghamshire' ran from 22 July to 18 August 2024 and was promoted by:
- Integrated Care Board (ICB)
- local organisations including Carers Bucks and Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust
- schools
- council
- our face to face, and online engagement activities received feedback from:
- adult carers
- young adult carers aged 18-25
- young carers aged 5-17
- professionals
- community organisations
- young carers session plans were developed with the support of young adult carers
- personal experiences of an adult carer and young adult carer are shared in the strategy
Related documents and links
Before you respond to this activity, please have a look at the following documents and links:
How to have your say
You can tell us your views in one of the following ways:
- complete, and return, a printed version of the survey (PDF 0.19MB)
- email us at carersstrategy@buckinghamshire.gov.uk
- write to us at All-Age Carers Strategy consultation, Buckinghamshire Council, 5th Floor, Walton Street Offices, Aylesbury, HP20 1UA
If you have any questions about this activity, or require this information in another format or language, please email us at carersstrategy@buckinghamshire.gov.uk
Please tell us your views by 11:59pm on 15 December 2024.
What happens next
Your views will help us to check and update the All-Age Carers Strategy and help to inform an action plan to deliver the priorities.
Decision makers will then review the strategy for final approval before publication. We aim to launch the Buckinghamshire All-Age Carers Strategy in Spring 2025.
A group of staff, organisations and carers will create an action plan and lead making the strategy’s vision happen.
We will use the information you provide here only for this activity. We will store the information securely in line with data protection laws and will not share or publish any personal details. For more information about data and privacy, please see our Privacy Policy.
If you have questions about data and privacy, please email us on dataprotection@buckinghamshire.gov.uk or write to our Data Protection Officer at Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.
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