High Wycombe travel consultation: Transport Strategy and Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

Closed 12 Dec 2022

Opened 14 Oct 2022

Feedback updated 19 Jan 2024

We asked

For your views on the overall themes and concepts in the draft Transport Strategy and draft Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for High Wycombe. 

The consultation ran from 14 October 2022 to 12 December 2022. 

You said

We received 285 responses to the consultation: 

  • 249 online survey responses 
  • 36 by email or post responses 

Transport Strategy

We received 198 online responses on the Transport Strategy. The majority of respondents supported the key themes: 

  • Connecting Locally - 84% strongly agreed or agreed 
  • Connecting Regionally - 79% strongly agreed or agreed 
  • Connecting Green Spaces - 78% strongly agreed or agreed 


We received 206 online responses on the LCWIP. The majority of respondents supported the key themes: 

  • Walkable Core - 82% strongly agreed or agreed 
  • Healthy Neighbourhoods - 72% strongly agreed or agreed 
  • Wider Network and Strategic Routes - 69% strongly agreed or agreed 
  • A Cohesive and Connected Network - 69% strongly agreed or agreed 
  • Main Radial Routes, Key Links and Hubs - 67% strongly agreed or agreed 

The key themes across all responses received, and subsequent amendments, are summarised below: 

  • greater consideration of the needs of vulnerable road users 
  • insufficient focus and emphasis on the importance of behaviour change and supporting measures 
  • inadequate consideration of public transport connectivity in rural areas and neighbouring settlements 
  • improvements to bus service quality and provision 
  • congestion issues on main arterial routes especially during peak times 
  • comments and suggestions for improved walking and cycling infrastructure 
  • concerns about the implications of restricted parking, car light living and additional demand management measures such as road user charging 
  • performance outcomes, monitoring and evaluation 
  • revisions to the level of ambition and timeline for delivery of the High Wycombe 2050 Transport Strategy.  

More information about what respondents told us is in the summary report (PDF 0.14MB) 

We did

On 4 January 2024 the Cabinet approved the High Wycombe Transport Strategy (PDF 4MB)and Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (PDF 6MB). 

Specific proposals and interventions identified in the plans will be subject to further development, engagement and public consultation, if and when they are taken forward and as funding becomes available. 


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We have developed a draft Transport Strategy and a draft Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for High Wycombe.

There is a need to identify transport measures that can support the planned growth in High Wycombe. The draft Transport Strategy and draft LCWIP outline how we propose to do this.

Similar plans have been, or are being, developed for other towns in Buckinghamshire - including Aylesbury and Buckingham. A county-wide LCWIP is also in development.

This consultation is an opportunity to tell us your views on two documents:

  • High Wycombe 2050 Transport Strategy
  • High Wycombe Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

We want to hear from residents, local businesses and anyone who travels in High Wycombe.

High Wycombe 2050 Transport Strategy

The High Wycombe 2050 Transport Strategy sets the ambition for the town’s transport system. It consists of:

  • a vision statement
  • three ‘Connecting’ themes, each with a set of key outcomes
  • 26 transport schemes

Our vision is: “By 2050, High Wycombe will be among the best connected and most innovative towns in the Thames Valley, where all journeys, from start to finish, are low emission, seamless, and safe for everyone”.

The Transport Strategy is the implementation plan for this vision. It sets out the key transport schemes required in the next 5, 10, 15 years and beyond.

More Information

To achieve the vision, we have identified three ‘connecting’ themes:

  • Connecting locally. Allowing everyone to access key destinations, services and travel hubs by providing and promoting active alternatives to the car. Making best use of technology, reducing the need to travel and reducing the distance travelled every day
  • Connecting regionally. Strengthening connectivity – digital, energy and transport – to support the movement of people and goods along the Thames Valley to London, Heathrow Airport, Oxford and beyond
  • Connecting green spaces. Enhancing health and wellbeing by providing safe, accessible routes to and throughout the town and its unique natural surroundings, including The Chilterns, the River Wye and the Thames

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The Transport Strategy proposes 26 schemes that consider all forms of travel across High Wycombe. The schemes are across the following 6 categories:

  • Walking and cycling. Support walking or cycling for shorter everyday trips in and around High Wycombe
  • Public transport. Higher quality, frequency and coverage of public transport, particularly local bus services. Make travelling by public transport easier and more attractive
  • Shared and new mobility. Embracing shared and new mobility modes. This includes demand responsive buses, multi-operator tickets, e-bike / e-scooter hire
  • Highways and congestion management. Optimise existing highway network through new technologies and manage traffic congestion
  • Land-use, planning and parking. Policies which make better use of available land and support future trends in travel / transport technologies
  • Behaviour change. Support a shift in everyday travel habits. Promote uptake of more sustainable forms of travel – cycling, walking and public transport

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A growing population, more employment and housing, and a growing economy will lead to more journeys being made in High Wycombe in the future.

There is limited opportunity to increase space on existing roads in High Wycombe. Even if possible, this would not address the negative impacts of traffic on pollution, air quality, road safety and wider public health.

We need a balanced approach to transport planning and provision to support growth and prosperity in High Wycombe.

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Development has been heavily informed by engagement with:

  • Council officers
  • local political members
  • local technical stakeholders, such as transport operators and local business leaders
  • people who live, work and visit High Wycombe

We have also considered scenarios that could exist by 2050.

High Wycombe Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

The High Wycombe Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) is a supporting plan to the draft High Wycombe 2050 Transport Strategy. It focuses on walking and cycling.

The High Wycombe LCWIP aims to recommend ways to make cycling and walking in the High Wycombe area safe, accessible and attractive for all users. It consists of:

  • a future walking and cycling network covering High Wycombe and links to surrounding areas
  • 5 concepts to identify interventions to improve cycling and walking networks

The LCWIP will play a key role in promoting physical activity, health and wellbeing, and improving the local environment.

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Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) are a strategic approach to identify walking and cycling improvements in an area.

LCWIPs are a key part of the government’s aim to make walking and cycling the natural transport choice for all short journeys, or as a part of a longer journey.

The key outcomes of a LCWIP include:

  • A network plan for cycling and walking which identifies preferred routes and areas for further development
  • A prioritised programme of walking and cycling infrastructure improvements for investment in the short, medium and long term

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We have used the following 5 concepts to identify interventions to improve cycling and walking networks:

  • Walkable core. How active travel can make High Wycombe town centre a more attractive and thriving place
  • Main radial routes and key links. How the existing road network could be used to provide direct cycling and walking routes
  • Healthy neighbourhoods. Grouping local neighbourhood streets to form a local network encouraging cycling and walking
  • Wider network and strategic routes. Enhancing walking and cycling connections with local areas
  • A cohesive and connected network. Interventions to complete the proposed walking and cycling network and encourage behaviour change

For each concept, the LCWIP proposes a range of more specific interventions. These proposals are at concept or initial investigation stage. Further design work and consultation will be undertaken to develop each.

You can explore the proposed interventions on an interactive map of the High Wycombe LCWIP network.

By selecting an individual line or point measure on the map, you can see the type of infrastructure being proposed and how it relates to the concepts in the LCWIP (i.e. concept number 1a).

More Information

The High Wycombe Travel Survey, carried out in 2020, showed a local desire to improve cycling and walking networks:

  • 63.8% of respondents would like to walk more in the future. They would be encouraged to walk more with:
    • better separation from traffic
    • safer road crossings
    • better quality footpaths and more footpaths
  • 44.2% of respondents would like to cycle more in the future. They would be encouraged to cycle more with:
    • more cycle paths separate from traffic
    • more bicycle lanes
    • improved driver behaviour and awareness around cyclists
  • 83% of respondents felt current cycling infrastructure was poor or very poor

The LCWIP proposals will help to tackle challenges such as congestion, climate change, housing growth, air pollution and growing physical inactivity.

More Information

We have engaged a range of local stakeholders to ensure local knowledge informed the proposed LCWIP network:

  • High Wycombe Travel Survey. Understanding travel behaviours, perceptions and future aspirations of residents and visitors
  • Reviewing local requests for improvements. Understanding where specific interventions are wanted
  • Workshops to identify challenges and opportunities. Involving Council officers, local area councillors and local stakeholders. This included key employers, interest groups and partner organisations

Related documents

Before you respond to this consultation, please have a look at the following documents:

Events to find out more

You can talk to us in person at one of our drop-in sessions:

How to have your say

You can tell us your views in one of the following ways:

If you have any questions about this activity, please email us at transportstrategy@buckinghamshire.gov.uk or phone us on 0300 131 6000.

We have extended the timescales of this consultation. Please tell us your views by midnight on Monday 12 December 2022.

What happens next

We will consider all the responses we receive. Your feedback will be used to make amendments to the draft High Wycombe 2050 Transport Strategy and the draft High Wycombe LCWIP.

We will then present both documents to Buckinghamshire Council for adoption in 2023.

Specific proposals and interventions outlined in the plans will be subject to further development, engagement and public consultation, if taken forward.


We will use the information you provide here only for this activity. We will store the information securely in line with data protection laws and will not share or publish any personal details. For more information about data and privacy, please see our Privacy Policy.

If you have questions about data and privacy, please email us on dataprotection@buckinghamshire.gov.uk. Or write to our Data Protection Officer at Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.


  • Beaconsfield and Chepping Wye
  • High Wycombe
  • North West Chilterns
  • South West Chilterns


  • Transport
  • Environment
  • Roads & parking