Land off Amersham Road Development Brief consultation
Feedback updated 1 Nov 2022
We asked
We asked for views on the draft development brief for Land off Amersham Road in Hazlemere.
The consultation ran from 6 June to 18 July 2022.
You said
We received over 100 responses to the consultation.
Responses via the consultation webpage were very supportive of the development brief objectives, notably objective 2 creating a comprehensive development.
The main themes from respondents are outlined below:
- The boundaries from residential properties on Inkerman drive are shown as being part of the site allocation
- The wording “services easement” is unclear
- The “existing garden depth from rear boundary” is unclear
- There was a need to clarify a number of terms in the maps and keys
- The site boundary does not match the Wycombe District Local Plan site allocation
- The access onto Wycombe Road should be removed from the site boundary
- Figure 10 only shows one of the two potential access points
For more information about the consultation responses, please see the:
We did
Following the consultation, we have considered the consultation responses and reviewed the contents of the brief before publishing the final version (PDF 9.01MB).
Your feedback helped shape the development brief. The changes made to the development brief in response to the consultation are:
- In relation to the properties on Inkerman Drive, we confirm that they are not part (and never were) of the proposed development area. We have therefore corrected this perception in the brief, by shading the gardens in on the figures and annotating this to be land excluded from the development
- The wording on Figure 4 key was changed to say from “Services easement” to “Overhead powerline and easement”
- The wording on Figure 5 key was changed to say “existing rear garden depth (metres)” instead of “existing rear garden depth from boundary”
- The terms “development back” were changed to “back of development” on Figure 9
- The “Overhead powerline and easement” constraint was added to Figure 8 Constraints and opportunities, and corresponding key
- Figure 10 has been corrected to show the two potential access points.
- The site allocation boundary is now consistent with the site allocation in the Local Plan. The inset at Figure 10 illustrates that the Wycombe Road access is in Inland Homes control
- The site area has been changed to “approximately 13ha” to simplify the description in section 1.1
We want to hear your views on a draft development brief for Land off Amersham Road in Hazlemere.
The site, located adjacent to the eastern edge of Hazlemere and to the south west of Holmer Green, is allocated for housing in the adopted Wycombe District Local Plan.
Location of the site on Google Maps: Land off Amersham Road including Tralee Farm, Hazlemere.
The current site now includes land adjacent to Amersham Road (Inkerman House) which has increased the site area to 14.30 hectares. A location plan can be found in Section 1 of the draft development brief.
The local plan policy HW8 allocates the site for 350 dwellings and includes site requirements regarding:
- the separation of Hazlemere and Holmer Green,
- comprehensive development,
- access and off site highway contributions,
- green infrastructure,
- flood risk and education.
This consultation is dealing with how to deliver the housing and meet local and national policy requirements.
The site location plan is available in Section 1, pages 4 to 5, of the draft development brief (PDF 4.16MB).
Further information
More Information
The development brief is intended to offer guidance for the future development of the HW8 site to assist landowners and developers to formulate planning proposals that achieve wider objectives of the Local Plan.
- It seeks to define what development is intended and what the benefits and impacts will be
- It takes the requirements of Policy HW8 and details how these can be achieved in practice
- It seeks to ensure that the HW8 site area is developed comprehensively
To achieve these aims, the development brief sets out:
- Analysis of the site and its context, the development issues and how they can be resolved
- Development objectives that guide the concept
- The brief for development, its key components and phasing
- Other planning considerations
The development brief shows a proposed structure for the site:
- where residential land, open space and Green Infrastructure should be located, and
- how they connect to each other and to the surrounding area.
It also has appendices which reference the technical information that underpins the brief and a full list of polices that any development will need to comply with.
More Information
The Local Plan Policy HW8, adopted in August 2019 (PDF 13.80MB) states that development of the ‘Land off Amersham Road including Tralee Farm, Hazlemere’ site is required to:
- Place-making
- Maintain a sense of separation between Hazlemere and Holmer Green, through the layout of the site;
- In the event that land to the north east in Chiltern District (off Earl Howe Road) is allocated for development in the Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan, to be planned comprehensively with that site as a whole; and in any event to not prejudice future integration;
- Provide a comprehensive development of the site within Wycombe District;
- Redevelop the existing coach yard and riding stables;
- Consider the opportunity to redevelop existing residential properties fronting Amersham Road.
- Transport:
- Provide access from the A404 and the Wycombe Road;
- Provide walk / cycle access through Tralee Farm onto Wycombe Road;
- Improve access to existing bus routes;
- Provide or contribute to off-site highway improvements as required by the Highway Authority.
- Green Infrastructure / Environment
- Provide access to and retain the existing orchard within the north east of the site;
- Provide protection and future management for the orchard;
- Retain the woodland in the south west corner of the site at Badger Way;
- Provide a Green Infrastructure link through the valley of the site, connecting the orchard to the woodland at Badger Way;
- Retain the field boundaries within the site;
- Manage local sources of flood risk.
- Development of this site will be required to meet the needs arising from the development for additional primary school places.
Related documents
Before you respond to this consultation, please have a look at the following document:
We want to hear from you
We want to hear your views on any part of the development brief. In particular, we would like your feedback on the:
- Key constraints of the site
- Development objectives of the site
- Proposed layout of the site
- Planning considerations
This is an opportunity to have your say on how future housing, open space and Green Infrastructure will be delivered on the site.
This development brief consultation is one stage of the process:
- In 2017, this site was consulted on as part of the Local Plan. The site was allocated for housing when the Plan was adopted in 2019. Therefore, this consultation is not considering whether the site should be developed for housing.
- Further details of the layout, design and appearance will be a developed through future planning applications. This consultation is not about a specific planning application.
Events to find out more
We are hosting three public drop-in sessions for you to find out more about the proposals. The drop-in sessions will be held on:
- Friday 17 June, from 2pm to 8pm
- At Rossetti Hall, 38 New Pond Rd, Holmer Green, High Wycombe HP15 6SU
- Monday 20 June, from 8am to 2pm
- At Holmer Green Sports Association, 7 Watchet Ln, Holmer Green, High Wycombe HP15 6UF
- Friday 15 July, from 9am to 3pm
- At The Stables, Barn Lane, Cedar Avenue, Hazlemere HP15 7BQ
At the exhibitions you will be able to make further comments and discuss this brief with council officers.
How to have your say
You can tell us your views in one of the following ways:
- Complete the online survey using the link at the end of the page
- Complete, and return, the printed version of the survey (PDF 0.24MB)
- Email us at
- Write to us at Land off Amersham Road including Tralee Farm, Hazlemere Development Brief consultation, Planning Policy Team, Wycombe Area Office, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 1BB.
If you have any questions about this consultation, please email us at
Please tell us your views by midnight on Monday 18 July 2022.
What happens next
Following the consultation, we will consider the consultation responses and review the contents of the development brief. Following any amendments, we will put forward the final version for adoption.
Once adopted, the brief will be used to consider any future development of this site.
We will use the information you provide here only for this activity. We will store the information securely in line with data protection laws and will not share or publish any personal details. For more information about data and privacy, please see our Privacy Policy.
If you have questions about data and privacy, please email us on Or write to our Data Protection Officer at Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.
- Beaconsfield and Chepping Wye
- Missendens
- Planning
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