Bellfield Road, High Wycombe reserved matters consultation

Closed 25 Sep 2022

Opened 1 Sep 2022


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We want to hear your views on the reserved matters for Bellfield Road, High Wycombe.


In March 2020, the former Wycombe District Council received the following planning permission for land at Bellfield Road:

Outline application (including details of access) for erection of a 6-storey residential scheme for 68 units with associated parking provision and highways works.

Approved Outline Planning Application

The outline permission established the key parameters of development in the following plans. These plans are already approved so are provided for context and do not form part of the consultation:

We now need to submit details of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (known as 'the reserved matters') and we want to hear your feedback.

The proposals

The proposed site plan for land at Bellfield Road includes:

  • a 6-storey residential scheme for 68 units
  • 69 car parking spaces
  • Amenity space
  • Micro allotments

View the proposed site plan (A3 - 1:500) (PDF 1.1MB)

The proposed plan for the ground floor includes:

  • 2 x three-bed units
  • 4 x two-bed units
  • 2 x one-bed units
  • 2 plant rooms
  • 2 cycle stores
  • 2 bin stores
  • Access to the top floors through two separate staircores, containing wheelchair accessible lifts

View the proposed ground floor plan (A3 - 1:200) (PDF 1.4MB)

The proposed plan for the first floor repeats across the top floors and includes:

  • 6 x two-bed units
  • 6 x one-bed units

View the proposed first to fifth floor plan (A3 - 1:200) (PDF 1.4MB)

We will also submit the design of the proposed building for approval:

More information

The proposals have been developed in-line with the following design objectives that were set during the Outline application process:

Community: Ensure that proposals enhance belonging and integration, improving the way the town community regards the area of the proposal.

Enhancing links: Reinforce and enhance the link from Hughendon Avenue to Bellfield Road, establishing a continuous sequence of spaces along this route.

Connectivity: Encourage pedestrian and cycle access to High Wycombe Centre from all directions including formalising of existing desire lines.

Integration with Bellfield Road: Complement the extra care village residential use, across Bellfield Road with residential use, strengthening the offer in the centre of the town.

Creating places: Allow buildings to form street fronts and relationships to create a set of diverse events rather than compete for attention.

Providing homes: It is likely that the new dwellings will all be ‘affordable housing’.

Identity: Create a distinctive place with a sense of orientation, address and delight.

Coherence: A consistent architectural language with variations on a theme to create visual richness whilst maintaining a coherent sense of space and integrating local vernacular. 

Landscape: Enable increased access to green spaces by strengthening the green provision.


We are hosting a public drop-in session to find out more about the proposals on:

  • Thursday 15 September 2022, from 1pm to 7pm, at High Wycombe Library, 5 Eden Place, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 2DH

There is no need to book to attend this event; attendees will register on arrival.

Following the event, the plans will be available to view in High Wycombe Library until the close of the consultation.

How to have your say

You can tell us your views in one of the following ways:

If you have any questions about this activity, please email us at

Please tell us your views by midnight on Sunday 25 September 2022.

What happens next

We will consider all comments before submitting the reserved matters applications later in the year.


We will use the information you provide here only for this activity. We will store the information securely in line with data protection laws and will not share or publish any personal details. For more information about data and privacy, please see our Privacy Policy.

If you have questions about data and privacy, please email us on Or write to our Data Protection Officer at Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.


  • High Wycombe


  • Planning
  • Housing
  • Communities