Granborough Neighbourhood Plan submission consultation

Closed 3 Feb 2022

Opened 16 Dec 2021


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In 2018 Granborough Parish Council began the process of creating a Neighbourhood Development Plan (also known as a Neighbourhood Plan).

In September 2018, the former Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC) approved the Neighbourhood area. The area covers the whole of Granborough Parish Council area.

The Parish Council have now completed a period of local community engagement on their Plan and have submitted the final version to us.

The next stage of the process is for us, as the local authority, to carry out a public consultation on the submitted plan. This is an opportunity for local people to comment on it before it goes to independent examination.

The Granborough Neighbourhood Plan includes policies that look to shape local development. In particular, the plan seeks to:

  • protect village character,
  • protect and enhance the historic and natural landscape character of the village,
  • support high quality design of new development,
  • protect and enhance local heritage assets,
  • designate five Local Green Spaces, and
  • protect and enhance biodiversity by protecting existing natural features and requiring biodiversity net gain

The Plan is supportive of limited housing development within a defined settlement boundary and seeks to ensure a suitable mix of housing is provided while resisting housing development beyond the settlement boundary unless it complies with national guidance.

It also seeks to support increased provision of non-car means of access while seeking to ensure any new development results in improvements to highway safety.

Finally, the plan is supportive of the provision of new or expansion of existing community facilities and seeks to protect the Crown Public House.

Related documents

Please see the documents and links below for more information about the Granborough Neighbourhood Plan.

How to submit a comment

You can submit a comment on the Granborough Neighbourhood Plan in a number of different ways:

You will need to provide your name and address when responding as planning law states that we cannot accept anonymous comments.

If you would like to be notified of future progress with the Neighbourhood Plan, please indicate this in your response.

Please make sure we receive your comments before midnight on 3 February 2022. Unfortunately, we cannot consider any comments received after that deadline.

What happens next

Following consultation, we will collate the responses and submit them to an independent examiner. The examiner will consider public comments and ensure the Plan meets conditions laid out in the Localism Act and other relevant regulations.

If the Plan passes independent examination, the next stage is a local referendum to see whether the Plan has community support. If it's supported, we will adopt it as part of local planning policy to assess planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area.


We will use the information you provide here only for the purpose of this consultation. We will keep the information confidential and store it securely, in line with data protection laws and will not share or publish any personal details.  For more information about data and privacy, please see our Privacy Policy.

If you have questions, please email us on or write to our Data Protection Officer at Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.


  • Winslow and Villages


  • Planning
  • Communities