Your local pharmacies

Closed 16 Feb 2025

Opened 6 Jan 2025


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Healthy Dialogues, on behalf of local councils in West Berkshire, Reading, and Buckinghamshire, is conducting a survey to understand how pharmacy services meet the needs of residents.

Health and Wellbeing Boards within Local Authorities have a statutory duty to carry out a statement of needs for the pharmaceutical services for the populations they serve. This is known as a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA).

The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) is used to ensure that pharmacy services meet the needs of the population in Buckinghamshire. This includes where services are and what services are provided by the pharmacy/pharmacies near you.

To help produce the PNA we would like to hear your views and experiences about the pharmacy services in your area. Your views are very important to us as they will enable us to understand the needs of the population to help shape future pharmacy services.

Who we want to hear from

We would like to hear from patients and the public who use pharmacies in Buckinghamshire.

What we are asking

We are asking people to share their experiences of using pharmacies in Buckinghamshire. This includes questions about the services provided by pharmacies, as well as their location and opening times.

The survey includes equality monitoring questions so we can make sure our services are provided fairly and to those who need them.

How to have your say

You can complete our survey online by clicking the link at the end of this page.

If you require any assistance completing this survey, or would like to receive this survey in a different format, or have any questions about the project, please contact Eleanor Thorne, email:

Please tell us your views by 16 February 2025.

What happens next

The responses you provide will help to inform decisions on future applications for new pharmacies, or considerations for changes and adaptations at your local pharmacy.

When this survey closes, a draft report will be published for public consultation for 60 days. After this, a final report will be produced before October 2025.


We will use the information you provide here only for this activity. We will store the information securely in line with data protection laws and will not share or publish any personal details. For more information about data and privacy, please see our Privacy Policy.

We will hold the data that you provide for our report until 1st October 2025. You will not be identified in any reporting of this data and you can contact us at to delete your response at any time.

If you have questions about data and privacy, please email us on Or write to our Data Protection Officer at Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.


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