Elm Farm, Aylesbury - Parking Restrictions Formal (Statutory) Consultation

Closes 17 Jan 2025

Your Thoughts on the Proposed Parking Restrictions in the Elm Farm Estate, Aylesbury

This section will be dedicated to providing you with the necessary information for you to tell us your views on the proposals. Please review the information carefully (by clicking on 'Important Information') for each restriction before you continue.

Below is the map tiles which will show the proposed restrictions. Please note that any restrictions with a blue text box are existing, and are not part of this Formal Consultation.

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Would you support the proposed double yellow line restrictions on the following roads?

Important Information

We are proposing to implement this restriction on the following roads:

  1. Ashford Close
  2. Charmfield Road
  3. Dalesford Road
  4. Elm Farm Road
  5. Hazelhurst Drive
  6. Hillary Close
  7. Lynwood Road
  8. Mellstock Road
  9. Pemberton Close
  10. Waivers Way

No Waiting at Any Time

The second proposed restriction is 'No Waiting at Any Time'. This restriction is to be effective at all times - 24 hours a day, seven days a week. These are double yellow lines on the road (like the below figure), and do not need a sign to accompany it.

Visual Representation of Double Yellow Lines

Would you support the Limited Waiting Restriction on the following roads?

Important Information

We are proposing to implement a Limited Waiting Monday to Friday between 8am and 10pm 4 hours with No Return within 4 hours restriction on the following roads:

  1. Elm Farm Road
  2. Hazelhurst Drive

Limited Waiting Mon - Sat 8am-10pm 4hrs No Return Within 4hrs

This is to be implemented at two points along Elm Farm Road and Hazelhurst Drive:

  • Elm Farm Road - Between Lynwood Road and the bus stop;
  • Hazelhurst Drive - Outside No.4 to Hillary Close; Opposite Ashford Close junction, and Opposite No. 15.

The restriction is to be effective from Monday to Saturday between the times of 8am to 10pm. You can park there for up to 4 hours, but you cannot return to use the bay within 4 hours. The image below illustrates the sign that you may see there:

Example of the parking sign you may see





Would you support the inclusion of a Disabled Badge Holders Bay on Mellstock Road?

Important Information

We are proposing to implement a Disabled Badge Holders Bay on Mellstock near Sunderland Walk.

Disabled Badge Holders Only

The proposed restriction is 'Disabled Badge Holders Only'. This restriction is to only allow Disabled Badge Holders to park there. The image below is a typical sign you would see.


Would you support our proposal regarding No Entrance Markings on Hazelhurst Drive?

Important Information

We are proposing to introduce one type of restriction and revoke another restriction on Hazelhurst Drive.

What We Are Proposing - Introducing

We are proposing to introduce the following restriction on Hazelhurst Drive - 'No Stopping Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm on Entrance Markings'. This will be located opposite No. 9 and runs until the entrance to William Harding Extended School.

These restrictions will have the below road markings outside the school:

In addition, a sign will be included, showing the times where this would be enforced. In this case, the sign would say:

What We Are Proposing - Revocation

We are proposing to remove a similar restriction on Hazelhurst Drive. This is the 'No Stopping on Entrance Markings'. The difference between this one and the above is the time that it can be enforced. The summary table below helps to explain the difference:

Existing Restriction Proposed Restriction Difference
No Stopping on Entrance Markings No Stopping Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm on Entrance Markings Adding a time where it can be enforced. Existing Restriction was originally 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.
Would you support the introduction of a No Loading Monday - Saturday 8am - 10am and from 4pm - 7pm on Elm Farm Road and Hazelhurst Drive?

More information

We are proposing to implement a restriction on Elm Farm Road and Hazelhurst Drive: No Loading Mon - Sat 8am-10am and from 4pm-7pm.

The restriction is to be effective from Monday to Saturday between the times of 8am to 10am, and from 4pm to 7pm. They will be represented on the ground by 'single blips' painted on the kerb, along with a sign, showing the times of operation.

Would you support the introduction to a No Waiting Monday - Saturday 8am - 10pm restriction on Elm Farm Road, Hazelhurst Drive and Waivers Way?

More information

The restriction proposed for these roads is 'No Waiting Mon-Sat 8am-10pm' (also known as Single Yellow Lines). This restriction is to be effective from Monday to Saturday between the times of 8am and 10pm. The figure below illustrates what the restrictions will look like:

Visual Representation of a Single Yellow Line

These Single Yellow Lines are to be accompanied by a sign (like below):

Sign noting the restrictions for Single Yellow Lines