Featured activities
Taxi licensing driver suitability consultation
We want to hear the views of the public, our licensees, and other partners on potential changes to the Buckinghamshire Council hackney carriage and private hire licensing policy concerning driver suitability. We introduced the first hackney carriage and private hire licensing policy for Buckinghamshire in September 2021. The policy sets out how we regulate taxis (hackney carriage vehicles) and minicabs (private hire vehicles) across Buckinghamshire (excluding Milton Keynes). ...
Have your say on the draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes
We want to hear your views on our draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. Why we need to recover nature Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes are home to a wide range of wildlife. For example, we have on our doorstep some of the world’s only chalk streams, ancient woodland and nationally significant populations of species such as native black poplar trees and black hairstreak butterflies. The health of...
Open activities
Great Western Street - Parking Restriction Statutory Consultation
Buckinghamshire Council's Network Safety Team has identified this site based on the annual injury collision analysis. There is a history of collisions with pedestrians leaving the Aylesbury bus station and being involved in collisions with vehicles on Great Western Street and the corner of Walton Street near the taxi rank. Buckinghmashire Highways are proposing to enhance pedestrian facilities from the bus station to the marketplace by formalizing an on-carriageway...
Proposal of a Toucan Crossing and Shared-Use Path at Ellen Road - Statutory Consultation
Buckinghamshire Highways are proposing to introduce Signalised Toucan Crossing on Ellen Road J/W Churchill Ave in Aylesbury (please see Figure 1 below for location) . There have been a number of injury collisions occurred within the scheme extents since last 5 years from 2018 to 2023. The aim being, to reduce risk and severity of collisions and improve the safety of vulnerable road users (pedal cyclists and pedestrians) on Ellen Road, several...
Taxi licensing driver suitability consultation
We want to hear the views of the public, our licensees, and other partners on potential changes to the Buckinghamshire Council hackney carriage and private hire licensing policy concerning driver suitability. We introduced the first hackney carriage and private hire licensing policy for Buckinghamshire in September 2021. The policy sets out how we regulate taxis (hackney carriage vehicles) and minicabs (private hire vehicles) across Buckinghamshire (excluding Milton Keynes). ...
Open traffic and parking activities
Great Western Street - Parking Restriction Statutory Consultation
Buckinghamshire Council's Network Safety Team has identified this site based on the annual injury collision analysis. There is a history of collisions with pedestrians leaving the Aylesbury bus...
Proposal of a Toucan Crossing and Shared-Use Path at Ellen Road - Statutory Consultation
Buckinghamshire Highways are proposing to introduce Signalised Toucan Crossing on Ellen Road J/W Churchill Ave in Aylesbury (please see Figure 1 below for location) . There have been a...
Closed activities
Aylesbury Town Centre Public Spaces Protection Order consultation 2025
We are reviewing all Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) across Buckinghamshire. We want to hear your views on our proposal to: expire the existing Aylesbury Town Centre Public...
Buckinghamshire Parks and Open Spaces Public Spaces Protection Order consultation 2025
We are reviewing all Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) across Buckinghamshire. We want to hear your views on our proposal to: expire the existing Aylesbury Vale Parks and Open...
Buckinghamshire Car Parks Public Spaces Protection Order consultation 2025
We are reviewing all Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) across Buckinghamshire. We want to hear your views on our proposal to: expire the existing Chiltern Car Parks Public...