Tell us your views on our draft Buckinghamshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

Closes 13 Oct 2024

How you travel

The following questions explore various aspects of your journey habits and your choice of transport for short journeys, or as a part of a longer journey. 

Thinking about your current travel habits, how often do you currently use each of the following modes of transport to get about in Buckinghamshire? (Select one for each option)

This can be for the whole or part of a journey. 

When you travel actively, what is the average length of your journey? (Select one for each option)
For what reasons do you currently travel actively in Buckinghamshire? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following best describes you? (Select all that apply)
What, if anything, are the key barriers for you to travel actively in Buckinghamshire? (Select up to 3 you consider most important)
As we develop and deliver the LCWIP, what, if anything, would encourage you to travel actively in Buckinghamshire? (Select one for each option)