Shenley Park Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) consultation

Closed 11 Oct 2023

Opened 30 Aug 2023

Feedback updated 13 Mar 2024

We asked

We asked for views on the draft Shenley Park Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). 

The consultation ran from 30 August to 11 October 2023. 

You said

We received representations from 387 respondents to the consultation. 

We did

Some changes have been made to the SPD to reflect public views and new information. These changes include: 

  • requiring a strategic outer link road of 40mph, reducing to 30-mph speed limit when connecting into H6 Childs Way 
  • Shenley Road is to be closed to vehicular traffic and instead be used as an active travel route for walking and cycling 
  • informal sports provision and a children’s play area to be located away from the Whaddon buffer to provide greater separation between the two communities 
  • an area of open space to be located near to the houses in Kingsmead Green at H6 Childs Way to provide recreation land that is away from the grid road reserve 
  • the removal of references to a potential Park and Ride 
  • enhance provision of footpaths and cycleways  

On 13 February 2024, Cabinet approved the Shenley Park Supplementary Planning Document for adoption.  

View the Shenley Park Supplementary Planning Document (PDF 14MB)


Buckinghamshire Council loo

We want your views on the draft Shenley Park Supplementary Planning Document.

Supplementary planning documents provide guidance on policies in the adopted local plans in Buckinghamshire and should be read in conjunction with the local plan to which they relate.

They are a material consideration when determining planning applications.

Shenley Park Supplementary Planning Document

Shenley Park is a site allocated in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan.

This document sets out our plans to create “an exemplar development, of regional significance, which will be a great place to live, work and grow”.

Built to a high sustainable design and construction standards, the development will provide a balanced mix of facilities to ensure that it meets the needs and aspirations of new and existing residents, including:

  • at least 1,150 homes
  • 110 bed care home/extra care facility
  • new primary school
  • multi-functional green infrastructure
  • mixed use local centre
  • exemplary Sustainable Drainage Systems
  • new link road between A421 Buckingham Road and H6 Childs Way
  • public transport and cycling and walking links

The draft Shenley Park Supplementary Planning Document, other consultation documents and our consultation survey are available on our planning consultation page.

Events to find out more

We are hosting a public drop-in session for you to find out more about the proposals. The drop-in session will be held on:

For those who are unable to attend the event, the display material and a short presentation will be available to view at our News about Planning Policy webpage after the event.

If you have any questions after the drop-in event or whilst looking at the material, please submit them to by 13 September 2023. We will respond by 22 September 2023.

How to have your say

You can tell us your views in one of the following ways:

If you have any questions about this consultation, please email us at

Please tell us your views by midnight on Wednesday 11 October 2023.

What happens next

We will consider the responses we receive and will review the content of the Supplementary Planning Document.

Following any amendments, we will put forward the final draft for adoption as an approved Supplementary Planning Document.


We will use the information you provide only for this consultation and we will store the information securely in line with data protection laws. Please read our Privacy Statement for more information.

If you have questions about data and privacy, please email us on Or write to our Data Protection Officer at Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.


  • Winslow and Villages


  • Planning
  • Housing