High Wycombe Highway Code Parking Review

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Closes 4 Oct 2024

Introduction - Tell us about yourself

Welcome to the Online Survey for the High Wycombe Highway Code Parking Review. We hope that by the end of this survey, you will have all of the information required to confidently tell us your views on the proposals we have suggested.

The first section is designed for us to know who is responding to this survey.

Important Information

Please note that Buckinghamshire Council will use the information you provide only for the purpose of this activity. We will store the information securely, in line with data protection laws.

The law states that we must make responses available for public inspection, but we will not share or publish any personal details

Which one of the following statements apply to you? (Please select only one option)

Other - More information

Please enter information into the below box only if you have selected 'Other' in the question above.

Please provide us with your postcode and road name

Important Information

Please note that we are only collecting data to gain a better understanding of which parts of the Town / County respond to our consultation. Buckinghamshire Council cannot identify individuals based solely on postcode and road name.

Please provide us with your email

Important Information

In accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, we will not publish any personal information. We are only asking for your email address to ensure that we do not recieve multiple responses from the same person.

Following the end of this Statutory Consultation, we will collate all responses into a report for the Council to make a decision on our propsals. Your personal information (i.e, Name, House Number, etc.,) will be removed in order for the responses to be anonymous.