High Street, Edlesborough traffic-calming proposal
Results updated 18 Sep 2023
We asked for views on our proposal to introduce traffic-calming on High Street in Edlesborough. This was part of planning application number APP/J0405/W/21/3281241. The proposal consisted of a build-out outside no. 26, High Street.
The consultation ran from 11 July to 18 August 2023.
We received 78 responses to the consultation via email and post.
The majority of responses objected to the proposal. The reasons for objecting to the proposal included road safety, traffic disruption, obstructive parking, increased pollution, accessibility, speeding and visibility concerns.
We are now in discussions with the developers on next steps, taking into consideration the consultation responses.
We would like to hear your views on our proposal to introduce traffic-calming on High Street in Edlesborough.
This public consultation is part of planning application number APP/J0405/W/21/3281241 which conditions the build-out as necessary to improve junction visibility between High Street and Good Intent.
The developers of land north of Good Intent, Edlesborough will fund and complete the construction. The work will consist of:
- a build-out outside no. 26, High Street
Please tell us your views by midnight on Friday 18 August 2023.
Related documents
Before you respond to this consultation, please have a look at the following documents:
- Plan of High Street, Edlesborough traffic-calming proposal (PDF 0.43MB)
- Consultation letter to residents (Word 0.06MB)
- Notice for press of proposal (Word 0.03MB)
- Site notice for proposal (Word 0.06MB)
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