339 results
Local Connection Test for Buckinghamshire’s Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register consultation
We want to hear your views on introducing a Local Connection Test for the Buckinghamshire Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register. The Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register is a register that local authorities have to keep of people looking to acquire land within their area, to build a home. The register provides local authorities with level of demand. This can then be used to plan for future needs for this type of housing in their area. Buckinghamshire Council... MoreClosed 8 August 2022 -
Winslow Neighbourhood Plan submission consultation
We want to hear the views of local residents and organisations on the modified Neighbourhood Plan for Winslow. In February 2013, the Parish of Winslow was designated a Neighbourhood Area by the former Aylesbury Vale District Council, now Buckinghamshire Council. This followed an application by Winslow Town Council. The original Winslow Neighbourhood Plan was adopted in 2014. With the Neighbourhood Plan now being over 7 years old as well as significant changes to the village,... MoreClosed 11 August 2022 -
Denham Local Priority - Statutory consultation
Following liaison with Denham Parish Council and Buckinghamshire Council Local Members, we are proposing to upgrade the existing pedestrian refuge crossing point on A4020 Oxford Road opposite the Denham Shopping Parade. As part of upgrading this crossing we are proposing to install a build out with an uncontrolled crossing point outside the ‘Day 1 Local Express Convenience Store’ as there is currently no crossing facility from the dividing island to the Shopping Parade. ... MoreClosed 12 August 2022 -
Great Brickhill Phase 2 - Statutory consultation
We are proposing to introduce two build-outs along Lower Way, Great Brickhill. In this consultation we invite you to consider and comment on the proposals. The build-outs are being introduced to reduce speed and create a safer environment for all Non-Motorised Users within the 200 metres length of Lower Way which has no footway, where pedestrians have to mix with traffic on the carriageway. The work will involve installing two build-outs with street lighting along... MoreClosed 19 August 2022 -
WhizzFizzFest feedback
Thank you for attending WhizzFizzFest 2022 . We would appreciate it if you could please take some time to fill out this short survey on your experience. Your feedback will help us plan for future events. Please tell us your views by midnight on Thursday 25 August 2022. Privacy We will use the information you provide here only for this activity. We will store the information securely in line with data protection laws and will not share... MoreClosed 25 August 2022 -
Rogers Lane - Informal consultation
We have been working with your Parish Council and Community Board to draw up draft proposals for parking controls on Rogers Lane. The aim of the review is to achieve a balance between parking needs and road safety. At this ‘Informal consultation’ stage we are putting forward some proposals. We invite local residents and other interested parties to let us have your views on the proposals. No decision has been made at this point. The road The road... MoreClosed 9 September 2022 -
The Local Plan for Buckinghamshire: Help us identify sites for possible development
We want your help to identify land available for development within Buckinghamshire. We are beginning work on the new Local Plan for Buckinghamshire (LP4B). The LP4B will allocate sites for development in the period up to 2040 to meet the housing and economic development needs of Buckinghamshire. Buckinghamshire Council is still committed to ‘Brown before Green’. We have carried out an initial assessment of the brownfield sites submitted to us. Based on this initial... MoreClosed 11 September 2022 -
Aston Clinton Traffic Calming Scheme consultation
We are proposing to introduce traffic calming measures along London Road, Aston Clinton to reduce vehicle speeds, reduce ‘rat-running’ and improve pedestrian safety. Residents and the Parish Council in Aston Clinton have raised concerns about traffic using the village as a shortcut (rat running) and traffic speeds. The Aston Clinton bypass was opened in 2003 and the initial impact on the village was positive. More recently, with a number of new and planned developments in... MoreClosed 16 September 2022 -
Wendover, Flackwell Heath and Marlow Parking Review
Feedback updated 12 January 2023. We asked We asked for your views on parking proposals in Flackwell Heath, Marlow and Wendover following reports from residents of parking difficulties. The consultation ran from 19 August 2022 until the 16 September 2022. You said We received 27 responses for Flackwell Heath, 18 responses for Marlow and 238 for Wendover. A report for each area was produced sumarising your responses and is... MoreClosed 16 September 2022 -
Bellfield Road, High Wycombe reserved matters consultation
We want to hear your views on the reserved matters for Bellfield Road, High Wycombe. Background In March 2020, the former Wycombe District Council received the following planning permission for land at Bellfield Road: Outline application (including details of access) for erection of a 6-storey residential scheme for 68 units with associated parking provision and highways works. Approved Outline Planning Application The outline permission established the key... MoreClosed 25 September 2022 -
A418 Aylesbury Road, Bierton Traffic Calming Scheme consultation
We will be introducing traffic calming on the A418 Aylesbury Road, Bierton to make the road a less attractive through-traffic route and encourage through-traffic to use the new roads within the Kingsbrook development. The scheme is being delivered as part of the obligations set out within the agreed Section 106 agreement relevant to the Kingsbrook development and will be constructed and funded by Barratt David Wilson Homes. Barratt David Wilson Homes have previously... MoreClosed 26 September 2022 -
Stoke Mandeville Parallel Crossing - Statutory consultation
We are proposing to upgrade the existing zebra crossing to a parallel crossing to include cyclists. Local people are concerned with traffic not slowing down as they approach the existing zebra crossing outside of Stoke Mandeville Combined School. As part of these works we will be including relevant improvements so that the crossing is more visible, this will be achieved with LED beacons and coloured anti-skid road surfacing. Stoke Mandeville Parallel crossing... MoreClosed 10 October 2022 -
Westbury Puffin Crossing - Signalised crossing statutory consultation
We propose to install a new signalised puffin crossing on the A422 Brackley Road, Westbury after concerns were raised by local people that there is a lack of safe crossing opportunities. There is currently an uncontrolled crossing point on the A422 Brackley Road near the junction of Main Street, Westbury. The proposed puffin crossing would link both sides of the village, providing pedestrians a safe route to various amenities in the... MoreClosed 10 October 2022 -
Calvert Parking Restrictions - Statutory consultation
We are proposing to introduce two bus stop clearways on Brackley Lane, Calvert and double yellow lines ("No Waiting at any Time") at the junction of Brackley Lane and Werner Terrace, opposite the bus stop clearways, and across vehicular access. This is to prevent unsafe parking and to ensure that buses are able to load and unload passengers safely. Calvert Parking Restriction plan The plan below shows the location of the proposed restrictions.... MoreClosed 10 October 2022 -
Hyde Heath Puffin Crossing - Signalised crossing statutory consultation
We are proposing to u pgrade the existing uncontrolled crossing point and install a new signalised puffin crossing on Weedon Hill, Hyde Heath outside of Hyde Heath Infant School. These proposals come after local people have raised concerns that there is a lack of crossing opportunities for school children and other pedestrians along Weedon Hill / Hyde Heath Road. As part of these works, we will also be revoking the Traffic Regulation Order for the School... MoreClosed 10 October 2022 -
Buckingham School - Statutory consultation
Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) on behalf of The Buckingham School are proposing to introduce an emergency access point on London Road. This will involve a section of kerbing to be dropped and the surrounding footway to be re-profiled. As part of these works, we will also be introducing a bus stand clearway in the layby operating Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm. This will be accompanied by some double yellow lines at both ends of the layby on London Road, please see Appendix... MoreClosed 14 October 2022 -
The Buckinghamshire Council (Speed Limit) Order 2021 (Amendment No 005) Order 2022
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 9th September 2022 Buckinghamshire Council (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”), in exercise of its powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the 1984 Act”) as amended and under the Traffic Management Act 2004 (“the Act of 2004”) as amended and of all other enabling powers, and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 of the Act of 1984, proposes to make the following... MoreClosed 20 October 2022 -
Community safety survey 2022: How can we make Buckinghamshire safer?
We want to know the community safety concerns where you live or work to help us develop and implement an action plan to reduce crime. The Safer Buckinghamshire Board is a local Community Safety Partnership that brings together experts from the police, fire service, probation, health and social care services. The purpose of the Safer Buckinghamshire Board is to develop and implement an action plan to reduce crime, so that Buckinghamshire continues as one the safest places... MoreClosed 30 October 2022 -
Aylesbury Vale Area Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document consultation
We want your views on the draft Aylesbury Vale Area Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document. Supplementary planning documents provide guidance on policies in the adopted local plans in Buckinghamshire and should be read in conjunction with the local plan to which they relate. They are a material consideration when determining planning applications. Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document This document provides planning guidance on how... MoreClosed 2 November 2022 -
Aylesbury Vale Area Design Supplementary Planning Document consultation
We want your views on the draft Aylesbury Vale Area Design Supplementary Planning Document. Supplementary planning documents provide guidance on policies in the adopted local plans in Buckinghamshire and should be read in conjunction with the local plan to which they relate. They are a material consideration when determining planning applications. Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document This document provides guidance on design to... MoreClosed 2 November 2022 -
Wooburn and Bourne End Neighbourhood Plan submission consultation
We want to hear the views of local residents and organisations on the Neighbourhood Plan for Wooburn and Bourne End. In February 2015, the Parish of Wooburn and Bourne End was designated a Neighbourhood Area by the former Wycombe District Council, now Buckinghamshire Council. This followed an application by Wooburn and Bourne End Parish Council. Wooburn and Bourne End Parish Council has completed a period of local community engagement on the Neighbourhood Plan and have... MoreClosed 3 November 2022 -
Lakes Lane, Beaconsfield - Informal consultation
We are working with Beaconsfield and Chepping Wye Community Board to review parking restrictions on the section of Lakes Lane near to the High Street / A40 (Please refer to map in the attached letter). The aim of the review is to achieve a balance between parking needs in Lakes Lane, surrounding roads and road safety in the town. At this ‘informal consultation’ stage we are putting forward some initial proposals. No decision has been made at this point. ... MoreClosed 8 November 2022 -
Hazlemere Neighbourhood Plan submission consultation
We want to hear the views of local residents and organisations on the Neighbourhood Plan for Hazlemere. In September 2021, the Parish of Hazlemere was designated a Neighbourhood Area by Buckinghamshire Council. This followed an application by Hazlemere Parish Council. Hazlemere Parish Council has now completed a period of local community engagement on the Hazlemere Neighbourhood Plan and have submitted the final version to us. The next stage of the process is for us, as... MoreClosed 10 November 2022 -
Money Matters: Have your say on Buckinghamshire Council's spending priorities for 2023 to 2024
We want to know which services you think we should be prioritising in our budget for next year, and what you think about our outline plans for how we're suggesting next year's budget should be spent. We are working hard on spending plans for next year. With a really challenging economic climate, with rising energy costs, interest rates and inflation, it’s more essential than ever that you tell us how you want your money to be spent. The costs involved in providing our... MoreClosed 20 November 2022 -
Water Stratford Traffic Calming - Statutory consultation
We are proposing to introduce traffic calming measures on Stowe Road and Water Stratford Road after local people raised concerns about traffic speeding through the village. These proposals include dragon’s teeth (white road markings), anti-skid surfacing / road marking improvements, and installing signs and gateways on the approaches to the village. We are also proposing to install bollards on the verge on Water Stratford Road to prevent unsafe parking... MoreClosed 21 November 2022 -
Chiltern area car parks Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) consultation 2022
We want to hear your views on our proposal to extend an existing Public Spaces Protection Order in 21 council-controlled car parks in the Chiltern area of Buckinghamshire. We have a key role to play in helping make local places safe to live, visit and work in. Tackling anti-social behaviour continues to be a high priority for us and our partners. Public Spaces Protection Orders are aimed at ensuring public spaces can be enjoyed free from anti-social behaviour. They provide us... MoreClosed 28 November 2022 -
Desborough Road, High Wycombe Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) consultation 2022
We want to hear your views on our proposal to extend an existing Public Spaces Protection Order in Desborough Road, High Wycombe. We have a key role to play in helping make local places safe to live, visit and work in. Tackling anti-social behaviour continues to be a high priority for us and our partners. Public Spaces Protection Orders are aimed at ensuring public spaces can be enjoyed free from anti-social behaviour. They provide us with legal powers to deal with a... MoreClosed 28 November 2022 -
Dorney Lake Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) consultation 2022
We want to hear your views on our proposal to extend an existing Public Spaces Protection Order at Dorney Lake. We have a key role to play in helping make local places safe to live, visit and work in. Tackling anti-social behaviour continues to be a high priority for us and our partners. Public Spaces Protection Orders are aimed at ensuring public spaces can be enjoyed free from anti-social behaviour. They provide us with legal powers to deal with a particular nuisance or... MoreClosed 28 November 2022 -
High Wycombe Town Centre Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) consultation 2022
We want to hear your views on our proposal to vary and extend an existing Public Spaces Protection Order in High Wycombe Town Centre. We have a key role to play in helping make local places safe to live, visit and work in. Tackling anti-social behaviour continues to be a high priority for us and our partners. Public Spaces Protection Orders are aimed at ensuring public spaces can be enjoyed free from anti-social behaviour. They provide us with legal powers to deal with a... MoreClosed 28 November 2022 -
Aylesbury Garden Town - South Aylesbury Masterplan (AGT1) Supplementary Planning Document consultation
We want your views on the draft Aylesbury Garden Town (AGT1) Supplementary Planning Document. Supplementary planning documents provide guidance on policies in the adopted local plans in Buckinghamshire and should be read in conjunction with the local plan to which they relate. They are a material consideration when determining planning applications. Aylesbury Garden Town - South Aylesbury Masterplan (AGT1) Supplementary Planning Document This d ... MoreClosed 30 November 2022
339 results.
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