350 results
Car Park Amendment Order - Aylesbury / Wendover / Winslow / Buckingham / Great Missenden / Princes Risborough / Bourne End / High Wycombe / Marlow
We are planning to make amendments to the car park orders at various locations including: Aylesbury Upper Hundreds, Aylesbury Walton Street, Aylesbury Exchange Street, Aylesbury Buckingham Street Coopers Yard), Aylesbury Waterside North, Aylesbury Hale Street, Aylesbury Hampden House, Aylesbury Friarscroft, Aylesbury Friars Square Shoppers Car Park, Aylesbury Wendover Wendover Library, Wendover Winslow ... MoreOpened 21 June 2021 -
Saunderton, High Wycombe Parking Restrictions
In order to alleviate reported problem parking on the roads near to Saunderton Train Station, proposals for parking restrictions were drawn up and were put forward for an informal consultation. During the informal consultation stage we put forward some initial proposals. We have used the responses we received to draw up revised proposals and now invite you to let us have your views. The proposals include: introduction of ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions on... MoreOpened 18 June 2021 -
Lacey Green Waiting Restrictions statutory consultation
In order to alleviate reported problem parking along parts of Lacey Green, proposals were drawn up working alongside the county councillor, parish councillors and the local school and were put forward for an informal consultation. During the informal consultation stage we put forward some initial proposals. We have used the responses we received to draw up revised proposals and now invite you to let us have your views. The proposals include: ... MoreOpened 18 June 2021 -
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Education Sufficiency Strategy survey
Planning for the education of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) We want to make sure that there are enough education places for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to meet the demand over the next 5 years. Families tell us they prefer their children to attend local schools and colleges so that they are close to their home and communities and do not have to travel long distances. To achieve this we need to... MoreOpened 7 June 2021 -
Oxford-Milton Keynes Connectivity Study: Call for evidence
Welcome to the Oxford – Milton Keynes connectivity study call for evidence survey. The study aims to identify packages of interventions to help improve physical or digital connectivity in the study geography. Your views will be used to shape our understanding of the corridor and the interventions which may be required to improve connectivity in a way which reduces emissions and supports sustainable growth. We are keen to understand from interested parties: ... MoreOpened 1 June 2021 -
Peterborough-Northampton-Oxford Connectivity Study: Call for evidence
Welcome to the Peterborough - Northampton - Oxford connectivity study call for evidence survey. The study aims to identify packages of interventions to help improve physical or digital connectivity in the study geography. Your views will be used to shape our understanding of the corridor and the interventions which may be required to improve connectivity in a way which reduces emissions and supports sustainable growth. We are keen to understand from interested parties:... MoreOpened 1 June 2021 -
Watchet Lane, Holmer Green Zebra Crossing
We are planning to install a new zebra crossing on Watchet Lane, near to Holmer Green First School and Pre-School, due to the development of Holmer Green Secondary School. This will provide a new safe crossing facility for all residents, and in particular, children and parents, wishing to access the nearby schools and nurseries. Holmer Green Zebra Crossing plan The plan below shows the location of the proposed crossing: Additional... MoreOpened 24 May 2021 -
Holiday Activities and Food Programme Fund 2021 – Applications for Buckinghamshire HAF projects
The deadline for applications has now passed. School holidays can be pressure points for some families because of increased costs (such as food and childcare) and reduced incomes. For some children that can lead to a holiday experience gap, with children from disadvantaged families: less likely to access organised out-of-school activities. more likely to experience ‘unhealthy holidays’ in terms of nutrition and physical health. more likely to experience... MoreOpened 14 May 2021 -
Parking Review of the areas around places of natural beauty and Country Parks - Informal consultation
We have been working with the local councillors and Parish Councils to draw up draft proposals for parking controls on various roads around areas used for leisure activities across the county. A list of the proposed roads can be found attached below along with the relevant maps. To take part in this consultation, please take a look at the relevant documents below, and complete the online comment form below. Please review the maps on this page before... MoreOpened 12 May 2021 -
Ivinghoe Area Freight Zone Traffic Regulation Order consultation
We invite your comments on the Ivinghoe Area Freight Zone Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). The purpose of this order is to reduce Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) traffic in the Cheddington, Ivinghoe and Mentmore area. This is the first TRO of its kind in Buckinghamshire and is the result of 2 years of research, monitoring, discussions, public engagement and detailed planning. Details of the traffic order The boundaries of the freight zone are east of the A418, north of the A41... MoreOpened 7 May 2021 -
Your experience as a young person with SEND
Please complete this survey if you are between 12 and 25 years old and have a special educational need or disability (SEND). In this survey we ask about the things you do to keep active. If you are 16 or older we will also ask you about getting ready for being an adult. It will take about 5 or 10 minutes but don’t worry if you finish it quicker or take a bit longer than that. What we will do with your answers We... MoreOpened 27 April 2021 -
Aylesbury Gardenway exhibition
We invite you to visit the Aylesbury Gardenway online exhibition , which is open from Monday 19 April until Monday 31 May 2021. What the Aylesbury Gardenway is The Aylesbury Gardenway is an 18-kilometre green avenue that will encircle Aylesbury. It will connect new and existing villages and housing sites, incorporating parks, woodlands, natural areas and waterways. It will be a haven for wildlife and have an inclusive design... MoreOpened 19 April 2021 -
Neighbourhood Policing Survey - what are your concerns?
'Community and Neighbourhood Police stronger together' If you live, work or do do business in the Chiltern and South Bucks areas of Buckinghamshire, we want to hear about your local policing issues or concerns. This survey has been posted on behalf of the Chiltern & South Bucks (CSB) Policing Issues Forum for the sole purpose of helping to identify local community concerns. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the CSB Forum by email. Chiltern & South Bucks... MoreOpened 14 April 2021 -
A413 London Road, Padbury - Signalised Pedestrian Crossing consultation
We propose to install a new signalised pedestrian crossing on the A413 London Road next to Springfields at Padbury. This is north of the new residential development and will provide a safe crossing between the school and Boundary Road. Padbury signalised pedestrian crossing plan The plan below shows the location of the proposed crossing: Additional documents Please see additional consultation documents and a copy of the site plan... MoreOpened 1 April 2021 -
North Road, Widmer End - Traffic-calming consultation
We are proposing to install traffic-calming along North Road on the approach to the Windmill Lane junction in Widmer End. The traffic-calming measure will be 'rumble strip' road markings. Along with Hughenden Parish Council, we have identified the need for road safety improvements at this location. A traffic-calming measure will benefit all road users. The work will be funded by contributions from local developments. Image of traffic-calming rumble strips ... MoreOpened 19 March 2021 -
Wendover Parking Review - Informal consultation
We have been working with your local councillor and Wendover Parish Council to draw up draft proposals for parking controls on several roads in Wendover. The roads The roads concerned are listed below and the corresponding maps can be found at the end of this page. For ease of reference, we have also included the maps within the comment form itself. Bryants Acre - maps EP59 and EQ59 Chiltern Road - map ER58, ER59 Clay Lane - map... MoreOpened 15 March 2021 -
Chartridge Lane, Chesham - Signal Pedestrian Crossing consultation
We are proposing to install a signal-controlled pedestrian crossing on Chartridge Lane next to Chiltern Hills Academy in Chesham. The proposed crossing will replace the existing pedestrian refuge island. Installing a pedestrian-controlled crossing will improve safety for pedestrians wanting to access the school, Lowndes avenue and Penn Avenue. Chartridge Lane signal crossing plan The plan below shows the location of the proposed... MoreOpened 10 March 2021 -
Improving Wendover cycleways - Comment on our plans
We want to encourage cycling for shorter journeys around Wendover by developing the cycling network. To help do this, we are proposing some cycleway improvements and have been working on early designs. We would like to hear your views on our plans for 3 separate cycleways. Please read the following information about our proposals for Wendover Cycleways and complete the online feedback form at the bottom of this page. The proposals Details of the 3... MoreOpened 1 March 2021 -
Biodiversity Accounting Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) consultation
A new law will soon require that relevant planning applications consider biodiversity needs. They will need to include information about how the development will maintain and increase on-site biodiversity. Once the law is passed, there is a 2-year period before all relevant planning applications will need to comply. Along with other measures, we have drafted a ‘Biodiversity Accounting Supplementary Planning Document’. We are introducing the document in Buckinghamshire... MoreOpened 19 February 2021 -
Comment on our draft Vehicle Removal Policy
We aim to undertake a fair and transparent approach to the removal of vehicles. This proposed council policy sets out in which circumstances we will remove parked vehicles that contravene on-street parking restrictions and take them to a secure vehicle storage facility. These circumstances include: parked vehicles that cause a serious obstruction to emergency services and other road users vehicles parked in a disabled-person’s parking bay without... MoreOpened 18 February 2021 -
Statement of Community Involvement consultation
A Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) explains how we will involve local communities at each stage of the planning process. Creating and publishing an SCI is a legal requirement for all planning authorities. Why we need the SCI We recognise that planning affects people’s daily lives, as the decisions we make shape the places we live and work in. As a result, we want to involve communities as early in the process as possible. How the SCI works The SCI is... MoreOpened 16 February 2021 -
Call for brownfield sites in Buckinghamshire
We are starting work on the new Buckinghamshire Local Plan (BLP), which will allocate sites for development in the period up to 2040. We are keen to ensure that when a new development takes place, it is sustainable and makes the best use of available land. In order to reduce the amount of greenfield land required for development, we want to identify potentially suitable brownfield sites for housing and commercial development. What a brownfield site is A brownfield... MoreOpened 16 February 2021 -
Help shape the Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Buckinghamshire
Nature in Buckinghamshire needs your help. The Local Nature Recovery Strategy is your opportunity to help us plan a better Buckinghamshire for wildlife and people. We invite you to take part in our public survey. Nature is under threat everywhere, and it is easy to imagine that we are powerless to prevent wildlife decline, but this strategy is one way of making a real difference. The strategy will be influenced by a wide range of people and organisations, from farmers and... MoreOpened 8 February 2021 -
Designing Kingsbury and Market Square, Aylesbury
We have committed to a £4.5 million investment to improve Kingsbury and Market Square in Aylesbury. This investment is in line with principles set out in the Aylesbury Garden Town Masterplan . Where are we up to? In stage 1 of the project we carried out a public survey and in stage 2 we talked with local businesses and landlords about the investment plans. Since then we've been busy developing design proposals for both public spaces. In this third stage, we want to... MoreOpened 4 February 2021 -
South East Aylesbury Link Road (SEALR) Phase 2
Following on from South East Aylesbury Link Road (SEALR) Phase 1, we are putting forward a proposal for SEALR Phase 2. This second phase involves the creation of approximately 450 metres of dual carriageway and a new roundabout. It will connect the future Lower Road roundabout (part of SEALR Phase 1) westwards where the new roundabout will then connect to future road links such as the Stoke Mandeville Relief Road and the South West Aylesbury Link Road (SWALR). SEALR... MoreOpened 1 February 2021 -
Marlow Road (B482), Stokenchurch traffic-calming consultation
In collaboration with Stokenchurch Parish Council , we are proposing to install a road-hump (raised table) at the existing zebra crossing n ear Hart Moor Close on the B482 Marlow Road in Stokenchurch. The purpose of this traffic-calming measure is to improve road safety by reducing vehicle speeds . Diagram This scheme diagram shows where we propose to install the road-hump. Take part in the consultation To comment on the proposal, please do... MoreOpened 29 January 2021 -
A41 Bicester Road Aylesbury highway improvements consultation
The A41 Bicester Road is an important transport route linking Aylesbury town centre with Aylesbury Vale Parkway rail station. The high volume of traffic using this route daily causes regular traffic congestion, particularly at peak travel times. To help address the congestion and improve traffic flow, we are proposing some highway improvements along the route between the railway station and Gatehouse roundabout. In this consultation we would like to... MoreOpened 18 January 2021 -
Chiltern area car parks Public Spaces Protection Order consultation
This consultation is about the existing Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) that applies to 21 council-controlled car parks in the Chiltern area. The order has been in place since 2018 and is due to expire at the end of April 2021. We would like to know what you think about extending it beyond that date. Background The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 introduced PSPOs, along with other powers, to address... MoreOpened 18 January 2021 -
Buckinghamshire Design Awards - People's Choice Award 2020
The People’s Choice Award: Celebrating outstanding design in Buckinghamshire The Buckinghamshire Design Awards aims to showcase good quality design across the county and set expectations for the council’s Planning & Environment Service. This year, Buckinghamshire Council officers nominated 30 recently completed development projects which they felt demonstrated significant contribution to the local environment. Schemes could be individual buildings through to... MoreOpened 6 January 2021 -
Hollands Farm Development, Bourne End consultation
We invite you to take part in our public consultation about the Hollands Farm development site in Bourne End. This consultation focuses on contents of the Hollands Farm Development Brief (the Brief), which sets out the guiding principles of how this residential development site should be designed and delivered. Update 9 February 2021 We regret that Catesby Estates plc has recently sent correspondence to some residents about their proposed pre-application consultation for... MoreOpened 6 January 2021
350 results.
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