350 results
Buckinghamshire Coronavirus Health and Wellbeing survey
We would like to hear from you about how the Coronavirus pandemic and lockdown are affecting your health and wellbeing. This information will help us plan local recovery in Buckinghamshire. If you are over 18, please complete our online survey below. It will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Please answer all the questions, it will really help us support your health and wellbeing needs. We will analyse the responses and publish the findings on our health &... MoreOpened 8 July 2020 -
Aylesbury Road, Cuddington Traffic-calming and Speed Restrictions consultation
We would like to hear your views on our proposal to introduce traffic-calming and speed restrictions on Aylesbury Road, Cuddington. We believe this will benefit the local community by reducing the speed of vehicles approaching the village. This statutory consultation proposes the following changes. a traffic-calming build-out near to the Spickett's Lane junction extension of the 30 mph speed limit to the Spickett’s Lane junction ... MoreOpened 8 July 2020 -
Horns Lane, High Wycombe - Housing proposal consultation
Last year, the field between Horns Lane and Linnet Close was allocated for housing in Wycombe District Council’s Local Plan. Buckinghamshire Council is now responsible for implementing the Local Plan for future growth. Since then, we’ve been working on proposals for 62 new homes here, and are now in a position to share these with you. Buckinghamshire Council owns the site and we are proposing this development in response to an urgent need for new homes in the area. ... MoreOpened 2 July 2020 -
Temporary Stopping Restrictions on roads around country parks
Due to social distancing and travel restrictions that are in place as a result of Coronavirus, areas of outstanding natural beauty across Buckinghamshire have become even more popular than usual. This includes our country parks. Most of these sites have limited parking and as a result, people are parking in locations that may obstruct access for emergency vehicles. We propose to address this problem by preventing stopping or parking at any time on specific... MoreOpened 1 July 2020 -
Amersham Parking Review 2020 - Statutory consultation
This is the final, statutory consultation phase of the Amersham Parking Review 2020. This review covers Amersham, Chesham Bois and Penn. It is your final opportunity to comment on the proposals before they become legal parking controls. The proposals have been through informal consultation with local residents, businesses, schools and other interested parties. We have taken on board the feedback we received and amended the proposals throughout the review. T ... MoreOpened 19 June 2020 -
Winslow Market survey
The Wednesday food market in Winslow has become very popular during the Coronavirus crisis. More and more local people are choosing to buy fresh food there. We want to understand how we can improve the market to meet your needs, now and in the future. Please take a couple of minutes to let us know your views by completing the short survey below. MoreOpened 3 June 2020 -
Chalfont St Peter and Chalfont St Giles - Waiting restrictions review statutory consultation
We are working with the Parish Councils of Chalfont St Giles and Chalfont St Peter to review current on-street parking restrictions in various locations. In this review we aim to achieve a balance between parking needs and road safety. During the informal consultation stage we put forward some initial proposals. We have used the responses we received to draw up revised proposals and now invite you to let us have your views. The proposals vary at different... MoreOpened 29 May 2020 -
Kingsbrook View Primary Academy - Informal consultation
We are consulting on plans for a new primary academy as part of the Kingsbrook urban extension to the east of Aylesbury. Kingsbrook is made up of three distinct villages, Oakfield Village, Orchard Green and Canal Quarter (Village 3). The proposed academy site is located in Village 3, south of Bellingham Way, also known as the Stocklake Link Road. This is an informal public consultation and is being used as a pre-planning application engagement phase. It will... MoreOpened 23 April 2020 -
Amersham parking review 2020 - Second informal consultation
In the first informal consultation of this parking review, we asked for feedback from residents of 49 roads in Amersham, Old Amersham, Chesham Bois and Penn. We produced a document outlining those findings . Proposals for some roads will go forward to the formal consultation stage and we have removed other roads from the parking review altogether. We are now asking for comments on revised proposals for the remaining 17 roads. Full details about the review are available... MoreOpened 2 March 2020 -
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) - Shaping our ambitions for children and young people
Over the past few months we’ve been listening to children and young people, their parents, carers and families, to understand their needs and aspirations for the future. We’ve also worked with professionals from health services, education, social care and the voluntary sector, gathering their ideas. In this consultation, we now invite you to comment on the work we’ve done so far, which will be the basis for a new SEND and Inclusion... MoreOpened 2 March 2020 -
Dadford Road, Dadford Traffic-calming proposal
We would like to hear your views on our proposals to introduce traffic-calming on Dadford Road in Dadford. This public consultation is part of planning application number 16/02745/AOP. The developers of land at Silverstone Park, Dadford Road, Biddlesden will fund and complete the construction. The work will consist of: a raised zebra crossing with ramps either side to slow vehicles a raised area of road with ramps either end at the... MoreOpened 24 February 2020 -
Ivinghoe Area Freight Zone Proposals
We are proposing a 'freight zone' scheme to reduce HGV traffic in the Cheddington, Ivinghoe and Mentmore area. If you live, work or run a business in the area, we'd like to hear your views on the proposals. Proposed boundaries for the 'freight zone' are east of the A418, north of the A41 and west of the B489. These are shown in Map 1 below - this map is higher quality than the one within the survey so we recommend you view Map 1 before starting the survey. Road monitoring in... MoreOpened 17 February 2020 -
St Johns C of E Primary School, Lacey Green – Parking restrictions
You are invited to comment on our proposals for parking restrictions around St. John’s C of E Primary School. We’ve worked with the school, parish councillors and the local county councillor to draft these proposals. The aim is to make the roads safer for everyone and easier for emergency vehicle access. We are proposing double yellow lines on one side of Main Road to prevent dangerous and inconsiderate parking. We also propose small... MoreOpened 14 February 2020 -
Amersham Road (A355) and Maxwell Road, Beaconsfield - Speed and waiting restrictions
The A355 Improvement Project has delivered a number of changes along Amersham Road in Beaconsfield. To complete this scheme we are required to implement a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to enforce the necessary restrictions. We are now conducting a statutory consultation and invite your comments. Please see the attached plans and documents for more information. In summary we propose to: introduce a 30 mph speed limit along ... MoreOpened 28 January 2020 -
How safe do you feel in Buckinghamshire?
We’re inviting you to let us know how safe you feel in Buckinghamshire. Your views on crime, anti-social behaviour, drugs and alcohol, will help us shape priorities for the new Safer Buckinghamshire Community Safety Partnership. It will help the Partnership’s work over the next year to make Buckinghamshire a safer place to be. The new Partnership will come into effect from April 2020, in line with the creation of the new... MoreOpened 23 January 2020 -
Reedham Road, Burnham Traffic-calming proposal
We are proposing to introduce traffic-calming on Reedham Road, Burnham and would like to hear your views on this proposal. This public consultation is part of planning application 17/01126/FUL. The proposed traffic-calming feature will be a single 'build-out' on the road. It will be constructed and funded by the developers of 24 Britwell Road, as part of their wider highway works. These works will include: constructing a new site access with dropped kerbs and... MoreOpened 13 January 2020 -
Buckinghamshire Permit Scheme Expansion
We are consulting on proposed changes to the Buckinghamshire Permit Scheme. Permit Schemes enable Highway Authorities to manage and co-ordinate road works to minimise disruption. This means that companies needing to complete road works must apply and pay for a permit. Currently, our permit scheme requires permits for works on the busiest roads only. We are proposing to extend the permit scheme to all roads in the county. MoreOpened 9 January 2020 -
Preparing for adulthood - young people with learning disabilities
Buckinghamshire County Council wants to help young people (0-25 years) with learning disabilities and their families prepare for adulthood. This is the time in a young person’s life sometimes called ‘transition’ or 'growing up’. We want young people with learning disabilities to be as ready as they can be for adulthood. To do this we need to know what matters to them. Preparation for adulthood can start at any time, but usually no later than 14 years. It is a... MoreOpened 1 January 2020 -
Proposed admissions arrangements for voluntary-controlled and community schools for 2021
We are consulting on the admissions scheme and proposed changes to school admissions policies. These proposals relate only to voluntary-controlled and community schools for 2021 entry. We are also consulting on setting the relevant areas for 2022. Each year we update the admissions arrangements for the schools we are the admission authority for (voluntary-controlled and community schools). ... MoreOpened 9 December 2019 -
Douglas Road, Stocklake (A4157) experimental right-turn ban
We have put in place a trial right-turn ban from Douglas Road (A4157) into Stocklake, Aylesbury. With a new housing development in the area, we believe this will improve traffic flow and increase road safety. We are seeking views on this change before we consider whether the arrangement should be made permanent. Let us have your views by completing the online survey below. Or, you can contact us by: email at tfbschemesdelivery@buckscc.gov.uk or post to Network... MoreOpened 19 August 2019
350 results.
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