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314 results

  • Specialist Teaching consultation 2021

    We are consulting on our proposal to modernise the way we provide specialist teaching across Buckinghamshire. Our proposal is designed to ensure we apply the skills and knowledge of our specialist teachers in the most effective way. We want all pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to receive high-quality education and ensure they can achieve the best possible outcomes. What specialist teaching is The specialist teachers within... More
    Closed 9 January 2022
  • Cuddington Neighbourhood Plan submission consultation

    In February 2018 Cuddington Parish Council began the process of creating a Neighbourhood Development Plan (also known as a Neighbourhood Plan). In April 2018, the former Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC) approved the Neighbourhood area. The area covers the whole of Cuddington Parish Council area. The Parish Council have now completed a period of local community engagement on their Plan and have submitted the final version to us. The next stage of the process is for us,... More
    Closed 7 January 2022
  • Station Road, Quainton Traffic-calming Proposal

    We are proposing to introduce traffic-calming on Station Road, Quainton and would like to hear your views on this proposal. This public consultation is part of planning application 17/04041/AOP. The proposed traffic-calming feature will be a single 'build-out' on the road located within the Northbound lane, this will reduce the carriageway width to 3.25m and enable the adjacent footway beside it to be widened to 1.5m. It will be constructed and funded by the developers of... More
    Closed 5 January 2022
  • Station Road, Quainton Traffic-calming Proposal

    We are proposing to introduce traffic-calming on Station Road, Quainton and would like to hear your views on this proposal. This public consultation is part of planning application 17/04041/AOP. The proposed traffic-calming feature will be a single 'build-out' on the road located within the Northbound lane, this will reduce the carriageway width to 3.25m and enable the adjacent footway beside it to be widened to 1.5m. It will be constructed and funded by the developers of... More
    Closed 12 December 2021
  • Princes Risborough Southern Road Link (PRSRL) project consultation 2021

    The Princes Risborough Southern Road Link (PRSRL) project is the first phase of the Princes Risborough relief road, which is to be built in three phases to support the expansion of the town. The Wycombe Local Plan , which was adopted in 2019, allocates around 2,500 new homes in Princes Risborough through a major expansion to the north west of the town. For more information about the process of preparing the Wycombe Local Plan, please see Wycombe Local plan examination 2019:... More
    Closed 12 December 2021
  • Early Help Partnership Strategy consultation 2021

    We are holding this consultation to gather your views about our draft Early Help Partnership Strategy 2022 to 2025 (the strategy). Our current strategy expires in March 2022, so we have created a new one to help us plan for the next 3 years. What Early Help is We want to make sure that children, young people, and their families receive support to deal with problems before they get worse. This support is known as Early Help. When... More
    Closed 12 December 2021
  • Gambling Act Policy consultation

    We are holding this consultation to gather your views about our draft Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Licensing Policy. Buckinghamshire Council, in its role as the Licensing Authority, is responsible for issuing permits and licences for premises where gambling takes place. As part of this duty, the council is required to prepare and publish a statement of the principles that it proposes to apply when exercising its functions under the Gambling Act 2005 .... More
    Closed 10 December 2021
  • How can we support people to live independent and fulfilled lives in their community?

    We are developing a needs assessment in relation to people who live in the community and may require support to remain independent. We want to understand what helps people in Buckinghamshire to live independently, remain in their own homes and communities and live their most fulfilled lives. This needs assessment supports the our Better Lives Strategy – the strategy for the future of adult social care in Buckinghamshire. We would like to hear the views of all... More
    Closed 10 December 2021
  • Gerrards Cross Waiting Restrictions Statutory Consultation

    Feedback Updated 13 January 2023 We Asked We asked for your views on parking proposals in Gerrards Cross following reports from residents of parking difficulties. The consultation ran from 05 November 2021 until the 03 December 2021. You Said We received 192 responses for Gerrards Cross A report produced summarising your responses and is available on the following links: Decision - Gerrards Cross Waiting Restrictions -... More
    Closed 3 December 2021
  • Post-16 Transport Policy Statement 2022 to 2023 consultation

    We are proposing to update our Post-16 Transport Policy Statement. These updates are intended to provide clarification and more detail to some parts to make the Policy Statement easier to understand. We are consulting on the proposed updates, and we will publish any changes we make to the Post-16 Policy Statement following this consultation in April 2022. The updated policy will apply for the academic year 2022 to 2023. The new Policy Statement will apply to all pupils and... More
    Closed 29 November 2021
  • Tibbs Road, Haddenham - Waiting restrictions statutory consultation

    We are proposing to introduce some 'No waiting at any time' restrictions (double yellow lines) on Tibbs Road, Haddenham. We invite you to consider and comment on the proposal. We are proposing the waiting restrictions to encourage compliance with the Highway Code Rule 243 and create a safer environment for pedestrians and road users. Additional information Image of proposed location of 'No waiting at any time' restrictions ... More
    Closed 26 November 2021
  • Buckinghamshire Council budget 2022 to 2023 consultation

    Each year the council must prepare a budget and as part of the process we are asking residents and businesses to tell us their priority areas for the year ahead. The last couple of years have been exceptional. The direct impacts of the pandemic, and the economic trauma it has caused, has led to significant additional costs and seen large reductions in income across a range of areas - such as parking revenue, planning applications, council tax and... More
    Closed 14 November 2021
  • Bourne End and Wooburn Green Waiting Restrictions statutory consultation

    We are proposing to introduce some waiting restrictions on various roads within Bourne End and Wooburn Green. In this consultation we invite you to consider and comment on the proposals. The waiting restrictions are being introduced to encourage compliance with the Highway Code Rule 243 and create a safer environment for pedestrians and road users. The work will involve installing no waiting at any time restrictions on the following roads: A4094... More
    Closed 12 November 2021
  • Parking, Movement and Speed Orders - Countywide public consultation

    In this statutory consultation we invite you to comment on various amendments to the: Buckinghamshire Council Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Stopping and On-Street Parking Places Order Buckinghamshire Council (Speed Limit) Order Buckinghamshire Council (Traffic Movement) Order As part of this consultation, we would also like to seek your views on the proposals for new parking controls across High Wycombe and various Country... More
    Closed 8 November 2021
  • A355 Amersham Road Proposed Speed Limit Reduction – Statutory consultation

    It is proposed to revoke the existing 60mph speed limit and introduce a new 50mph speed limit on the A355 Amersham Road (between Whipass Hill and Gore Hill) following a site assessment that was previously undertaken. We would like to hear your views on the proposals. Additional documents Please see additional consultation documents and a copy of the site plan below. Consultation documents are also available to view in our office at The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19... More
    Closed 29 October 2021
  • A413 Amersham Road Movement Bans – Statutory consultation

    Following a review of injury collisions across the county, the A413 right turn facility near South Park (leading to Gerrards Cross Golf Club) has been identified as a priority for safety improvements. The site has undergone design assessments and the proposed improvements are to ban right turn manoeuvres out of the slip road towards the Golf Club area and prohibit ‘right and U’ turns in the central reservation for all vehicular traffic at this right turn cross-over... More
    Closed 26 October 2021
  • Community Safety Survey 2021

    Safer Bucks is a partnership of organisations that work together to reduce crime, anti-social behaviour, drugs and alcohol issues. Every year Safer Bucks carries out a strategic assessment, which looks at community safety issues in the county. As part of this process, we conduct a survey to find out the community’s concerns in relation to crime, anti-social behaviour, drugs and alcohol. The results of the survey, combined with an analysis of... More
    Closed 22 October 2021
  • Buckinghamshire Council Domestic Abuse Strategy 2021 survey

    The Domestic Abuse Act became Law in April 2021.This landmark Act will help us to provide the right support to protect and assist all victims of Domestic Abuse, and aims to make individuals and families feel safe, sooner. The draft Statutory guidance Section B3: Strategies B3.X (PDF 0.60MB) states that Tier One authorities must prepare and publish a local strategy based on a robust needs assessment, the first of which should be published by 31 October 2021, as set out in... More
    Closed 13 October 2021
  • Car Park Amendment Order - September 2021

    Notice is hereby given that on the 20 August 2021: Buckinghamshire Council made the Traffic regulation Order titled “The Buckinghamshire Council (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2021 (Amendment No 1) Order 2021” under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of the Order, which comes into operation on 4 September 2021, is to amend various items in: schedule 1, covering the terms and conditions of use for car parks owned or managed by... More
    Closed 30 September 2021
  • New Licensing Policy consultation – Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment

    Buckinghamshire Council has responsibility for allowing people to sell alcohol, put on public entertainment and sell late night food and drink. The council does this by issuing licences, permits and notices. The main purpose of licensing is to ensure that the national licensing objectives are promoted: preventing crime and disorder; public safety; preventing public nuisance; and protecting children from... More
    Closed 26 September 2021
  • Hatters Lane Signal Pedestrian Crossing – Statutory consultation

    We are proposing to install a signal-controlled pedestrian crossing on Hatters Lane next to Highcrest Academy in High Wycombe. This is east of its road junction with Windrush Drive. Installing a pedestrian-controlled crossing will improve safety for pedestrians wanting to access the school and bus stop. Hatters Lane signalised crossing plan Additional documents Please see additional consultation documents and a copy of the site plan below. Consultation... More
    Closed 24 September 2021
  • Bus Strategy and Service Improvement survey

    As required in the National Bus Strategy (Bus Back Better) published in March 2021, Buckinghamshire Council is currently drawing up a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP). The BSIP outlines the ambitions of both the Council and local bus operators on how bus services can be improved in order to attract more passengers and reduce local car journeys. This in turn will help to inform the creation of an Enhanced Partnership between the Council and bus operators. ... More
    Closed 3 September 2021
  • A40 Oxford Road / Wycombe Road Proposed Speed Limit Reduction – Statutory consultation

    It is proposed to revoke the existing 60mph speed limit and introduce a new 50mph speed limit on the A40 Oxford Road between West Wycombe and Studley Green following a site assessment that was previously undertaken . We would like to hear your views on the proposals. Additional documents Please see additional consultation documents and a copy of the site plan below. Consultation documents are also available to view in our office at The Gateway, Gatehouse... More
    Closed 13 August 2021
  • A41 PPTC bus, cycle, motorcycle and taxi lane relocation – Statutory consultation

    It is proposed to relocate the bus, cycle, motorcycle and taxi lane on the A41 Bicester Road between Paradise Orchard and Jackson Road as part of the A41 Primary Public Transport Corridor scheme. Additional documents Please see additional consultation documents and a copy of the site plan below. Consultation documents are also available to view in our office at The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF during normal office hours. How to take part in the... More
    Closed 26 July 2021
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Education Sufficiency Strategy survey

    Planning for the education of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) We want to make sure that there are enough education places for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to meet the demand over the next 5 years. Families tell us they prefer their children to attend local schools and colleges so that they are close to their home and communities and do not have to travel long distances. To achieve this we need to... More
    Closed 18 July 2021
  • Car Park Amendment Order - Aylesbury / Wendover / Winslow / Buckingham / Great Missenden / Princes Risborough / Bourne End / High Wycombe / Marlow

    We are planning to make amendments to the car park orders at various locations including: Aylesbury Upper Hundreds, Aylesbury Walton Street, Aylesbury Exchange Street, Aylesbury Buckingham Street Coopers Yard), Aylesbury Waterside North, Aylesbury Hale Street, Aylesbury Hampden House, Aylesbury Friarscroft, Aylesbury Friars Square Shoppers Car Park, Aylesbury Wendover Wendover Library, Wendover Winslow ... More
    Closed 11 July 2021
  • Oxford-Milton Keynes Connectivity Study: Call for evidence

    Welcome to the Oxford – Milton Keynes connectivity study call for evidence survey. The study aims to identify packages of interventions to help improve physical or digital connectivity in the study geography. Your views will be used to shape our understanding of the corridor and the interventions which may be required to improve connectivity in a way which reduces emissions and supports sustainable growth. We are keen to understand from interested parties: ... More
    Closed 9 July 2021
  • Peterborough-Northampton-Oxford Connectivity Study: Call for evidence

    Welcome to the Peterborough - Northampton - Oxford connectivity study call for evidence survey. The study aims to identify packages of interventions to help improve physical or digital connectivity in the study geography. Your views will be used to shape our understanding of the corridor and the interventions which may be required to improve connectivity in a way which reduces emissions and supports sustainable growth. We are keen to understand from interested parties:... More
    Closed 9 July 2021
  • Saunderton, High Wycombe Parking Restrictions

    In order to alleviate reported problem parking on the roads near to Saunderton Train Station, proposals for parking restrictions were drawn up and were put forward for an informal consultation. During the informal consultation stage we put forward some initial proposals. We have used the responses we received to draw up revised proposals and now invite you to let us have your views. The proposals include: introduction of ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions on... More
    Closed 9 July 2021
  • Lacey Green Waiting Restrictions statutory consultation

    In order to alleviate reported problem parking along parts of Lacey Green, proposals were drawn up working alongside the county councillor, parish councillors and the local school and were put forward for an informal consultation. During the informal consultation stage we put forward some initial proposals. We have used the responses we received to draw up revised proposals and now invite you to let us have your views. The proposals include: ... More
    Closed 9 July 2021
314 results. Page 8 of 11